HELP!! I need help on how to bring my humdidty down


Well-Known Member
whats up guys I started flowering monday and ever scene i started flowering my humdidity in my closet (where I grow my plant's) get's to like 70% from what I know thats to high or is it?? I thought it was spose to be between 40-60% and I dont want mildue to start and screw up my plants so anyone got any suggestions? I would apreciate the help... and one last question can you tell me or at least an educated guess of what kind of plants I got or even what strain thanks alot I really apreciate your help



Well-Known Member
You need to buy a dehumidifier or if your skint buy a disposable one they is cheap as chips and will do fine for a small room or closet.

As to the strain i wouldnt know but it looks like a nice indica to me,those super wide dark green leaves should hopefully make you some nice strong smoke:leaf:


Active Member
look up jet-dry, it is basically a jar of calcium bicarbonate that you leave open in your room and it sucks the humidity out of the air. get 2 jars they will last a year or more. it should reduce your humidity dramatically. I love em.


Well-Known Member
I purchased a humidifier through for ~120.00USD, no shipping costs. Works great, digi control, removes up to 40 liters/day. Works great!! I use the H2O to water my plants now as I get approx. 1/2 gal/day. Terrific investment. My humid was 70-85% up to occas. 90% (I live near river and ocean). Keeps it very steady. GL HH


Well-Known Member
k thanks ok one more question imusing a T-5 and i am now in a 12/12 cycle for about well 6 days should I go with all red bulbs? or red then blue and so on??