Help!!!! I need to pass a hair analysis!!!!!!


Active Member
So i am going to be receiving a drug screen using a hair sample in January:finger:. Does anyone have any proven methods on how to pass???? I have smoked regualry for a couple of years now but i will not be smoking until then.:sad: Any input would be greatly appreciated thanks RIU.


Well-Known Member
Shave your head, hair grows like an inch a month or something. There WILL be thc in your hair so you have like two months, get an idea of how fast your hair grows and thats about how long your hair will have to be come the drug test.


Active Member
They sell shampoo just go to the local head shop and ask. If they dont have it ask who does im sure your not the first to ask them.


Well-Known Member
That shampoo doesn't work because it strips everything out of your hair. The hair will have nothing in it so you will fail the test.


Active Member
My plan is to seriously shave every single hair on my body except the eyebrows. Stop seeing mary jane, then use aloe rid. I read on the forums that some dude passed using this product ALOE RID...anyone know about it?


Well-Known Member
My plan is to seriously shave every single hair on my body except the eyebrows. Stop seeing mary jane, then use aloe rid. I read on the forums that some dude passed using this product ALOE RID...anyone know about it?
lol they will probably take it from your eyebrows then... I'd just get the shampoo and hope for the best:wall: GL!!
they sell hair cleanser that strips the protein out of your hair(supposedly) so you can pass a test, but the newer hair test can detect it and it will come up as adulterated. as a hairdressers kid lol, i can tell you that the average hair grows at 1/2 inch down to 1/10 inch per month depending on age, diet, etc. that means every inch of hair is anywhere from 2 to 10 months of your life. supposedly, they are oly supposed to go back 18 months from the folicle in a hair test , which is relative to how fast your hair grows so that becomes indistiguishable. so the only effective and confident way would be to shave and not imbibe anything you wouldnt want them to find in a hair sample. a test for confirmation before you submitted a sample, like the gentleman said before me , would give you the peace of mind and confidence for the hiring process
if he shaves now ,he will have grown 'clean' hair by the time he has to test so they wont take 'secondary' hair, which has an all together different growth rate and even though has been accepted, is not fair because they can go back 3 to 4 yrs


Well-Known Member
^^^ not true at all, he will still have thc in his system so it will continue to be in his hair until it's out of his system. For all who don't know thc is absorbed through the fat in your red blood cells, so the best way to get thc out of you system as fast as possible is exercise a shitload, cardio, runnings the best, and cut out all fats from your diet, also drink a gallon of water a day! Niacin also helps if you want to turn bright red and itchy as fuck!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
hm, so on average half an inch a month. I would advise, if you are serious, clearing your system as though you had a urine test in a couple days so run sweat swim drink cranberry juice whatever. Then if you pass your UA which you can give yourself, shave your head. Or you can try the bleaches. you should definitely let us know how it turns out either way haha