Help i need to raise humidty in a grow closet with constant airflow

OKAY, so my grow cab is 3 ft by 2 ft by 5 and half feet i have a 400w hps light and a 4in growbright exaust fan 120 cfm. my temps ar 76 but my humidty is 23% im having a hard time to raise it. due to the exuast fan constanly on it sucks the moisture right out but if i turn the fan off the temps skyrocket so have to laeve it on
i just recently but a air pump running into a dish of water in front of a osiallating fan thinking maybe the droplets of water would help humidify my gorw cAB

p.s i have thought of a humdifier but i dont no if it would work for me for a few reasons being that i have a constant air flow and that i dont really wanna take up any floor space if i dont have to
again thanks
i kno i am brand new to this site but i have a very similar size closet and had similar problems when i dried a small harvest the humidity fell below the ideal 45-55 it was like 28 so i went out and bought a fan controller so i didnt have to run my fan full board all the time and that really helped the humidity a ton you are right though those filters/fans sucks the moisture right out but thats what i did it seems to be workin alot betterbut i am curious myself if a humidifier would work as well.good luck to ya
i kno i am brand new to this site but i have a very similar size closet and had similar problems when i dried a small harvest the humidity fell below the ideal 45-55 it was like 28 so i went out and bought a fan controller so i didnt have to run my fan full board all the time and that really helped the humidity a ton you are right though those filters/fans sucks the moisture right out but thats what i did it seems to be workin alot betterbut i am curious myself if a humidifier would work as well.good luck to ya
i actually have a fan speed controller in use have it on medium speed but thanks ill post some pics in just a second


Active Member
Put a small container of water in your box with an aerating stone inside. that should help raise your humidity easily, humidifiers are cheap too, like 30-40 bucks
Put a small container of water in your box with an aerating stone inside. that should help raise your humidity easily, humidifiers are cheap too, like 30-40 bucks
i tried that also only went up like 4% not much differnce im running out of options lol maybe ill get a bigger container


Well-Known Member
buy a humidify they are cheap and ive raised the humidty of a large room from 25% to 50% with just a cheap one. low humidty in veg will slow growth amongst other problems low humidity in flower is good tho.
that is my grow cab in first three sorry for such shitty quilty couldnt find my good camara. the forth is going to be my veg/seedling area
and the last is my seedling 4 days old well 5 now lol:joint::evil:



Well-Known Member
i might have to get a humidifer but i really dont want to just cause of space
how big do u fink they are? there bout the size of a kettle. youve got more than enough space for 1 cause read up im no expert but low humidity aint good in veg same as high aint good in flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm having the same problem right now.. my tent, 2x4x5 is reading at about 20 percent, sometimes lower. I've even put a humidifyer in the tent cranked it. condensation everywhere but the humidity still only about 50 percent. I don't wanna keep running this humidifier with all this condensation, I'm afraid of getting mold or fungal problems down the road. so i feel ya with your humidity problems. i know my humidity problem is coming from heating in the home along with the cold dry winter. I gotta keep an eye on this thread for some advice.
i understand there small and big but when your dealing with a 2 x 3 ft floor space even the small ones can take up too much.......

also... i have a constant air flow so most humity is sucked out if i turn fan off i can get humity up but temps go close too 100 deg so have to keep it on in order to keep temps smooooth
its a warm mist one vicks brand was 30 bucks let it run all night and got my humidty up tp 30 % but it sits there i think i need to try to run exuast fan on a schedule like 15 on 10 mins off or something idfk JUST A SHOT IN THE DARK i have no clue i swear i trued everything


Active Member
hey man my closet is like yours,not that big and real tight as is..but when i had this problem i went to walgreens or somthing and got a 20 dollar cool mist humidifier..since its shaped and sized like a real big cooking pot what i did to get it in there is take 2 peices of 1/2 inch ply ,screwed them together and screwed it against the wall in the closet,right in the top corner..well more like the middle but suspended above the conopy is what i mean...fill it with cold water and a tray of ice took my humidity from 25% to a constant 55% now i dont know if the warm one and the cool mist are the same but it worked great for me.hope i helped some
hey man my closet is like yours,not that big and real tight as is..but when i had this problem i went to walgreens or somthing and got a 20 dollar cool mist humidifier..since its shaped and sized like a real big cooking pot what i did to get it in there is take 2 peices of 1/2 inch ply ,screwed them together and screwed it against the wall in the closet,right in the top corner..well more like the middle but suspended above the conopy is what i mean...fill it with cold water and a tray of ice took my humidity from 25% to a constant 55% now i dont know if the warm one and the cool mist are the same but it worked great for me.hope i helped some
so i have mine on the floor and a 6 inch circulaur fan blowing towards it ill take a pic of how i have mine set the only differance i "would" think between warm and cool mist is that u dont have to worry bout extra heat issues i noticed my temps went up some so i just turned up exuast fan to fix that

DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THERE is a differsace between warm and cool mist ones? if there is i can get a cool one ill just bring this one back


Active Member
i took it out cause this is now my flower room,i had it in before i made a veg box. but heres a pic of how i had it..i had it right about the exhaust

