Help I Need To Stun Growth


Well-Known Member
Im in a pretty tuff situation, landlord is remodeling house and its a week long job, i hide them a day ahead in a spot were it is well hiddin from all sides however they are at the stage of massive growth still in 5 gallon pots hidding between two 4 foot bush and blocked by potted tall plants about 3.5 feet. Ive been supercropping hard but the plant seems to fix itself in a day and continue growing. Im thinking about topping but i dont wanna promote stretch, cant low stress train becuase they are tightly packed 6 plants. Cant stunt them through nitrogen defeciency becuase im organic and i mixed a shit load of sea bird guano prior to transplant. I have 6 more days till remodeling is done. Any ideas on stunting a plant?


Well-Known Member
Great idea, however it will be a difficult task when the landlord and workers work from 7:30am-8:30pm thats like no light at all when i get the chance. And At the moment my back yard looks like a construction side with nails and stuff piled.


Well-Known Member
Dude, tuff it out, grab a flashlight or a lamp and an extension cord, and get out there and dig some holes...When they leave for the night, before it gets too late, just dig buddy...No one ever said it was easy to grow was outside on my hands and knees at 1AM the other night mixing soil becasue the seeds I had germed the previous night were ready to be planted, and I work evenings, so it's late when I get home. I was tired as shit, but growing is like a job in many aspects, certain things just need to get done regardless of difficulty, inconveinance, and amount of effort required.


Well-Known Member
Great idea, however it will be a difficult task when the landlord and
workers work from 7:30am-8:30pm
thats like no light at all when i get the chance. And At the moment my back yard looks like a construction side with nails and stuff piled.
What is this guy a slave driver? You may have to relocate them to the forest, your in a real pickle.


Active Member
If your into chemicals, and I realize many are not. Alot of greenhouses use a chemical to retard growth, don't know how this would work for you, might be kinda risky.

Best bet I think would be to move them, pick a night load them in your car, and take to a secluded area.

When loading in the car, just put some plastic over the pot and lay them down, it will not hurt them.

Good Luck