help I think I might have a hermie


Active Member
about 3 wks into flowering and these little pods have formed at a few of the nodes not sure if there the start a female flower or pollen sacs. As you can see from the pics there are already some nice hairs coming out but when i saw these i was concerned i might have a hermie. My other 2 plants are def. female and i don't want this one, if it is hermie, pollonating them. Thanks in advance for the help.



Well-Known Member
about 3 wks into flowering and these little pods have formed at a few of the nodes not sure if there the start a female flower or pollen sacs. As you can see from the pics there are already some nice hairs coming out but when i saw these i was concerned i might have a hermie. My other 2 plants are def. female and i don't want this one, if it is hermie, pollonating them. Thanks in advance for the help.
Sorry. It's a hermaphrodite. Eliminate it.

2 out of 3 ain't bad.


Well-Known Member
They are two chemicals made by Dutch Master. Penetrator is used for foliar feeding; it makes your solution sticky thereby increasing foliar uptake. Reverse kills the pollen sacks and knocks them off your plant, effectively turning a hermie plant into one with only female parts. My books say that pollen can be released from plants between 12 hours and 7 days after initial pre-flowering.


Active Member
thanks for the info, I think i might have to kill it off though cause I don't have the time or money to get anything for atleast a couple of days and i'm worried it might harm open up before then. I've also heard that i can just cut the pollen sacs off as they appear. Is this a reliable method?


Well-Known Member
From what I've read it is reliable and the same thing as using the Reverse with Penetrator. The only thing is if you miss even one sac then there's plenty of pollen in there to pollinate your whole room. On future grows if you have the money you can even use Reverse with Penetrator as a method of hermie prevention!


Active Member
thanks again, thats my only worry and this being my first grow i'd like to get atleast one good plant just to prove to myself i can do it.


Well-Known Member
so who makes this reverse? and where can you get it, im surprised i've never heard of this on any thread. is it proven or did you just tell what you've heard.?


Well-Known Member
I just found out about it from the dude at my hydro store last week and if you dig around there's plenty to suggest that it's totally legit. Both chemicals are made by Dutch Master. I haven't bought/used it yet but what I've read says that the Reverse is pretty wattery and if you just try to spray it on the plant by itself, it runs off. That's where the Penetrator comes in to make the solution sticky but still plant-friendly. My research revealed that it was originally developed to make seedless fruits like seedless watermelons.


Well-Known Member
I just found out about it from the dude at my hydro store last week and if you dig around there's plenty to suggest that it's totally legit. Both chemicals are made by Dutch Master. I haven't bought/used it yet but what I've read says that the Reverse is pretty wattery and if you just try to spray it on the plant by itself, it runs off. That's where the Penetrator comes in to make the solution sticky but still plant-friendly. My research revealed that it was originally developed to make seedless fruits like seedless watermelons.
chunk57, please note that he recommended a product to you about which he has no practical knowledge. Keep that in mind.

Eliminate the hermaphrodite.
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Well-Known Member
From what I have read on the reverse product, I was under the impression that if you did accidently pollinate your ladies with a herm, you would then use reverse, shutting down production to the underdeveloped seeds. Then it will continue to flower out without making anymore seeds. Like in seedless watermelon, were it is not actually seedless just little and white and undeveloped. I was unaware of physical changes it puts on the male sex organs but it would be very interesting if true. I like the fact that it stops seed production though.
as a side note to johnny organic, love the avatar, verlander rocked today.


Active Member
thanks for all the help guys. I did end up eliminating it b/c i was unsure of the reverse stuff and did't want to screw anything up. My other two plants are blossoming beautifully by the way. I'll have new pics and probably more ? soon.