help... :( I think my baby is dieing.


Well-Known Member
So today I go to check on my 2 plants and I find 1 of them is bent over. Its still green and looks healthy except for its bent over and the stem is that normal?

I have 2 plants growing in a closet. I got 2 x 25 watt CFL 6500K lights. The other plant is growing perfectly fine. I just moved them closer to the lights today but I dont think it wouldve hurt them.

This plant is about 5 days old

Can anyone help? :(


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prop it up with something from around the house
pen and bread tie is a quick fix.(drinking straws work also)
ok there's 4 most likely causes with the growing conditions:

1) not enought light
2) too much heat
3) not enough water
4) too much water

you said plant A is ok, and plant B is drooping. is there any difference in the growing conditions of plant A and plant B?
when it grows bigger yes, once it stands on its own then put a fan on it this will further strengthen it for flowering
oh and u moved them closer to the light? maybe that's the cause of the drooping plant - it's probably too hot and the plant is dehydrating.
I water them every 3 days. The 2 plants are in the exact same condition except the plant that i sick is 1 day older than the other. I just watered them yesterday so they should have water.

Guess ill wait and see how she goes. Also im going to work on getting a pc fan wired to blow on them.