help identifying a herm

Yo team, so i've noticed some strange growth on my flowering big bang, was looking for a second opinion as to if this girl is herming on me
HERM.jpgthese have been coming up around the plant here and there, are they staminate? id like to be 100% before i put it outside
thanks so much i can provide more pics if needed :)


Herm go to a hydro shop and get dutch masters reverse if you care about it, if not just chop it down or grow out to smoke herb with seeds
it hurts so bad!! such a shame the flowers are just starting to look so tasty! should i keep it in the room and try and remove all male parts or just let it finish outside? plant is about 1.5 foot tops would it be too dangerous to try and manage? got a white rhino and hawaiaan snow and a bag seed that are all happy girls, but the big bang is developing quickest and the flowers look nice, it'd be a shame to scrap it completely if i can get something out of it, but not at risk of the ladies!
thanks for the quick responses, i'm very new to this and I'm thrilled and amazed that there is such a supportive community for people that are new to this :)


Hmmmmm personally I would just chop her down because you now run the risk of pollinating the rest of your crop not much you can do besides that, unless you want seeds then let the plants pollinate.

match box

Well-Known Member
You can try to pick them off when ya see them. You will miss at least one. I have let them go and had a few seeds but just here and there it didn't turn all to seed. It's hard to chop when you have put time in and they look nice. Good luck