Help identifying hash making method/pressing


Well-Known Member
Hi all

This is the hash that most impresses me at my favourite club.


They have no idea really how its made. They say with fresh buds and water extraction but then speak cluelessly about the rest of the process. To me it almost looks like a solvent extraction almost. The texture is creamy as hell, almost like manala cream. It could be some extremely well grown afghani strain fresh water extraction prolly 73 microns and careful press.
Any input?
Good resin pressed nothing more to it my friend. Most certainly ice water sieve but I have seen dry sieve Afghani that looked just like that.
On the right a Hindu Kush x Afghani x Diesel that looks like Afghani cream

The white spots are also resin from other hash that were on the plate

Also looks like it could be "Jelly Hash"..

Usually a combination of mid-grade oil and mid-grade hash.
Also looks like some decent pressed hashish....

Would you mind if we saw the inside?
I mixed 1g kief/hash + 1g BHO one day... worst idea ever. it ruined the hash/kief AND it ruined the oil all in 1 shot. it smoked like shit, tasted like shit, looked like shit, handled like shit. everything was bad. dont know how combining 2 great things creates a bad thing but it did for me!!

Also looks like it could be "Jelly Hash"..

Usually a combination of mid-grade oil and mid-grade hash.
Also looks like some decent pressed hashish....

Would you mind if we saw the inside?

Ill ask next time i go in. But how would you mix oil with hash?

Good resin pressed nothing more to it my friend. Most certainly ice water sieve but I have seen dry sieve Afghani that looked just like that.
On the right a Hindu Kush x Afghani x Diesel that looks like Afghani cream

The white spots are also resin from other hash that were on the plate

That looks fucking unreal. Similar outside texture. I suppose some afghani cultivars are better than others for hash depending on region etc. Ive seen some unreal fghani hash back in the uk. I even remember this commercial one having a similar shine to the above posted. It had an MTV stamp on it and was too good almost to be commercial. I much prefer afghani hash to morrocan. Though im very sure most of what i smoked as a kid had pakistani strains in it, at least i was so told, exept the blonde polen that was all morrocan i assume.
Im gonna have a lot of hash to make in a few weeks i really hope i can achieve something similar, it is kush family. From last time thinking 4 washes is the optimal number of washes.
Next time ill post a picture of this other hash they got, commercial, that has me intrigued too.