Help Identifying spotting!


Well-Known Member
Have a Pineapple Chunk that is starting to get yellow spots on leaves about halfway up the plant. Have looked around but cant find a definite answer. thanks for the help.
Any other symptoms you may see that the pics may not show, or be skewed due to flash? yellowing on just bottoms, mids, tops? (not just the spots, streaks or whole leaves) .. stunted or deformed growth? main shoot colors intact, or going blue/red? any necrotic spots?


I dont see any other symptoms with the plant it all looks good except for the spotting on the middle and upper part of plant (worse in the middle, and new growth looks good) Am using FFOF soil, advanced nutes, room is 10x10x9 with 4 600watt HPS. Running C02, dehumidifier and the lights are air cooled. High temps are 87 low temp 71 humidity steady at 35%. Plants are 4 day into flowering.