HELP! im moving and dont know what to do!

smokey de bear

Active Member
Get rubermaid totes as many as you need to stack up to the height of the tallest ones, you put the plants in the bottom tote. Cut a hole out of it's lid and the bottom of the next tote to stack. Gives the impression of just moving stacked totes, I got the Idea from a post on here where someone built a grow cab like that from stacked totes seems to work pretty good too.


Well-Known Member
ha thats a good idea for the taller plants. and yea im paranoid about moving them cuz once they are outa teh front door, security seems compromised. in my apartment, i can work with size, and control the odors, but once im moving them, i cant really change anything, hence the planning ahead. been in this apartment for 2 years with a bunch of plants and never had any close calls or anything of the sort.

anyways, thanks for the tips guys, i got some signing to do on new apartment papers monday/tuesday, and ill have pics up of the new grow after =)