Help!! Im new and not sure about plants


Active Member
Hey! I just got 2 plants that me and my friend had been growing in his backyard for the past couple months of the summer. Being up north we just brought them in the other day now there in a small (ghetto) grow closet in my home. I'm not sure how to go about raising them now. I fear they might have started to bud already, there were a few days of frost warnings before we got them out of the ground.

As well I only have tinfoil / mirror lined walls with 2 small grow lights. I have like a 34WAtt small flourescent bulb (sunlight) and a 15 watt reptile light. The light spectrum is actually pretty even all the way across and it is really bright in the small area they are in.

What should I do light cycle wise to get the most out of these survivors?? I'm using miracle grow as well. They seem to have bounced back already since the move. I had them on for like 18 hours then off for six (first night) and now I have had them on over 24 hours due to a friends suggestion. What should I do?? Im not 2 serious just my first time so I want to make the most of it. Would current pics help?? I will attach a few recent photos. Thanks a million



Well-Known Member
Hows everything going my fellow grower???? Plants looking very very nicw the one may have a lil yellowish to it may let it dry out and take care of the proublem.. I think I read somewere you had foil on the walls if so that could cause hot spots. Could even kill your plants!!! Keep me up to date goooood luck happy growing.....


Well-Known Member
They were attempting to flower, at least until u hit 24/0. =p

Take out the mirrors, and the tinfoil. Both bad. Put it onto 12/12. 24/0 is only for vegging and you have already started to flower.

If possible get mylar at WalMart or other store giants like lowes. It's like tin foil but a lot better, and no burns...emergency blankets are made out of them..check ur car for one maybe.


Active Member
Can you stop the budding stage?? or postpone it??? Or would that not be a good idea?? let me know how to get the most out of these. Can we revert back to the veg stage??? cut off the buds or what??


New Member
Those things look halfway decent, and looks like they just started to flower. Too bad they won't get a anywhere near a decent amount of light with those lights you're talking about.

Get HPS. You wont regret spending the $


Active Member
can put em back on veg if want. just put em straight back on 24 hours. buy at least 1 400w HPS light, u wont regret it


Active Member
i know hey! those lights are weak. I've been told that it is sufficient for a very small grow room. Will it just take longer for nice weed? or they wont produce much at all with these small lights?? Its actually really, really, bright in there. As well tinfoil is a bad thing???? NO mirrors???


New Member
Im on my first grow, and im going all the way with a 1000w HPS. HPS is supposed to provide for faster growth, denser buds and bigger buds. More higher quality weed. From everything I've ever seen on this forum and more, you're going to be kicking yourself come harvest if you use those lights. Even if you choose to use those lights you'll need a shitload more. People say tinfoil can causes hot spots on your plants, and apparently mirrors don't reflect light as well as you'd think. Got white walls? That'll work.

Plus if you get that HPS, you'll be totally prepared next time =)
You only need a 250, but I personally would rather grow many plants than 1 or 2 or 3, so I went all the way up to 1000w. Not much of a price diff.

i know hey! those lights are weak. I've been told that it is sufficient for a very small grow room. Will it just take longer for nice weed? or they wont produce much at all with these small lights?? Its actually really, really, bright in there. As well tinfoil is a bad thing???? NO mirrors???


New Member
BTW Does your reptile light omit UVB ?

If thats a UVB light youll prolly wanna keep it on the plants even with the HPS. Word round the campfire is that weed grows more potent in areas near the equator (more UVB light from the sun). Apparently the plants use THC as their sunscreen.


Active Member
hmmm. thanks should I wait untill I get the HPS light to start the 12 on 12 off cycle of light?? leave these shitty lights on untill payday so I can get the HPS?? or start the 12 on 12 off cycle now?? and continue it later with the better light?


New Member
IMO wait till payday.

hmmm. thanks should I wait untill I get the HPS light to start the 12 on 12 off cycle of light?? leave these shitty lights on untill payday so I can get the HPS?? or start the 12 on 12 off cycle now?? and continue it later with the better light?


Active Member
Ok. these weak lights wont do any damage 2 my plants or hamper them in any way will they?? I just want to flower this fucker as crazy as possible. I need a light asap.


New Member
I dunno if light deprivation is going to stress the plant. If it does, it shouldnt be too bad. Leave em on 24 hrs