Help im new i just made my first mini hydro system!

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
1/4 strength, ph balanced, should be good for now.

I'm new to DWC, only harvested 2 plants so far, so...

What kind of nutes do you have?
I'm using Advanced Nuterients, Ph Perfect, 3 part. It's for noobs, and it's hard to screw up, but I'm getting great weed from it.

What kind of light?


Active Member
i have 4 23wat 6500k and 2 2700k but im flowering all my plants now cause my biggest is ready to flower. so once my biggest shows sex imma add more 2700ks. i have african violet 7-7-7 . should i just add like 4 drops cause it says 7-10 per litter every feeding. thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Yes.. Get some nutes bro. Plants need Nitrogen along with other Nutrients to grow and not all are in just water alone.
ye looks ok .... you should have used a bucket with a lit and put a hole in da lid for your pot and 1 for the air nozzel ..... dat looks a bit small to put a plant you would want atleast a 8 gallon bucket the you wont have to transplant it ....... you would be able to grow a small auto in dat ( maybe) but definitly not a normail plant ......... here is a guide i first used and it has plenty of information to set you on your way to be a pro :)