Those pH/Moisture/Light meters with the long metal probe(s) that you stick in the soil to obtain a reading by a needle on a sliding scale? In my experience these are not accurate. For pH they will always read 8, I swear.
You would be better off checking your run-off, using pH test drops that are made for hydroponics/gardening applications.
pH is important no matter your growing style. In organics it just shouldn't be as strict a factor that it needs to be critiqued and addressed so religiously. The amendments are chosen and blended to favor attaining adequate pH; then if you've got things like mycorrhizal fungi in/on your roots forming a network of tiny filaments that are actively searching for and unlocking nutrients throughout the soil, as well as other beneficial fungi and bacterium species living in the soil; breaking down organic material, promoting plant vigor, searching for and attacking harmful microbes and insect larvae... it becomes less important for you to step in and manage pH with chemicals when you have these things going on in your soil.