Help is it male or female???


New Member
This is my first plant and ive read about how to tell the sex but i cant decide. It almost looks both male and female? But what do I know



Active Member
It's hard to see from the photo, it can of course be both at the same time. Sometimes purely down to genetics sometimes stress can make them hermie. Had it happen to me on my last grow luckily it was close enough to harvest time to ignore it. How old is this plant?

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Active Member
Couldn't you get your hands on some clones off somebody you know?

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New Member
Its about 9 weeks old. I wasnt even sure if the seed i found would survive but once it was planted it just took off and actually suprises me how well it did considering ive never grown weed before lol so ive had HIGH hope :P


Active Member
Well males generally do tend to shoot up with little foliage. I had a friend who done a similar thing and honest to god had no clue that there was a male and female lol. Ended up asking me to come and have a look at his monster plant... when I got there I was speechless. It was like a 6 foot beanstalk!

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New Member
Well are males good for anything then? Could I use the whole plant and maybe get a little oil out of it? Haha


Active Member
There great if you want to pollinate a female lol other than that nah

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Active Member
I'm I'm correct males do produce thc just in really low amounts. I guess if you had enough leaves you could make some hash, but to me it's a lot of effort for not much gain

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Well-Known Member
if its a real good strain? you could keep it in a separate room, box, etc. mature it and collect the pollen then using a small watercolor type of brush, get a bottom branch of a female plant pollinated so you have your own seeds?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Looks like a hermie, I see pistils and male pollen sacks. It will still have THC, because even male plants have some THC (Drastically less, but it is still there), and if you process the whole plant, or at least all the bits that have resin on them, then yes you should be able to get something from it, either oil or cannabudder, or however you choose to extract it.