Help - Is MG Potting soil killing new plants? Or do they need feeding?!?

Hello everybody am new here! Some help would be really appreciated if possible.

OK, Can't get pictures right now but will sort some if the resolution isn't obvious... the plants are three weeks old, and were potted into Miracle Grow Potting Mix - the one that says it'll grow plants for three months. I realise now this isn't ideal as everybody slates it. What can I say, I'm a n00b.

The lower leaves on the plants are all yellow, have a brown splodge or two in the center of the lower leaves and they're slowly dying, seems like its working its way up the plant - the new leaves are green though. The top of the plants, have kind of twisted misfit leaves turning back on themselves. The PH of the soil is about 6.8. I very nearly suspected a deficiency due to the yellow leaves, but am now thinking that there could be too many nutrients in the Miracle Grow Potting Mix.

They were showing signs of yellowing bottom leaves when I repotted them as I thought they may be root bound as the pots were small.

They were being watered once every couple of days, but haven't been watered since the repotting about four days ago.

What can I do? I've already left this for about four days and although the plants seem to be growing at a quick rate, the yellow dying leaves, along with the tops twisting is worrying, although new growth looks OK, just a bit twisted in places. :-( I don't know whether to feed, wait it off or cry.

Mg is very "hot" for new plants. There are lots you can do.

#1, get a book called Marijuana Horticulture, the INdoor/outdoor growers bible.

#2 get some Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog and transplant.

#3 never use Miracle Grow again
So I should change the soil then basically, I was thinking that, no point me putting pictures up, I have already seen the same problem time and time again with people mentioning this bastard soil. Thankyou
Mg is very "hot" for new plants. There are lots you can do.

#1, get a book called Marijuana Horticulture, the INdoor/outdoor growers bible.

#2 get some Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog and transplant.

#3 never use Miracle Grow again
Fox farms ocean forest is very hot as well.
I use mg soil and have been for a while the only thing i say about it is its very finnicky.After about a month your ph will start going up and down so i just flushed it and use nutes regularly.
Hmm I'm really unsure what to do. I've only just repotted, so really don't want to stress them. Am I correct in thinking everytime I water it is going to release the nutes? Is there anything I can mix in to de-nute them? And is it definitely nute burn?

Thanks for your advice guys.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
how old is it btw? mg soil really isnt bad but its not good for young plants and you have to water the ph very well.


Well-Known Member
the only thing ive noticed the miracle grow soil dose is every grow ive done with it one plant gets a P deff.......... but the up side is i dont fert as much


Well-Known Member
Mg is very "hot" for new plants. There are lots you can do.

#1, get a book called Marijuana Horticulture, the INdoor/outdoor growers bible.

#2 get some Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog and transplant.

#3 never use Miracle Grow again
So you are trashing one hot soil and suggesting an overpriced hot soil? Ridiculous. I get great results with MG products.
Too many conflicting opinions. I am wondering about removing any soil above the roots and replacing it with neutral soil. So when I water, the plant is only getting nutes from where the roots are, not also from the soil on top running into the bottom. Does anybody think this would work?
D'ya know mate thats exactly what I did... but they're still growing, I'm kind of wondering if they'll outgrow it before it kills them. I'd like a second opinion on flushing the MG Potting mix tho.


Active Member
Just FYI so you can come up with your own conclusion and/or research it: The time-release nutrients (those little balls) in Miracle-Gro function in the same way that Osmocote does (same company). But the moral of the story is they release nutrients at a rate dependent upon temperature. Not moisture.