help is my plant okay.

Hello i need some help. my plant is 4 weeks old and its very small. is it okay? ive started Low Stress Training. this is day 2

I also wanted to know when i could flower or is it way to early. i was hoping for 5 weeks into it. its a 4 now..


Active Member
It depends on how much quantity you were trying to get out of it. To get even a little bit of quality smoke the light has to be really close and you could start flowering if you have it set up so you are happy with it for now. If the harvest turns out wrong, change something next time.
Alright i was wondering cause i see other peoples plants and at 4 weeks they are tall, but mine is very small. Thanks for the quick reply. this plant is just a test run to see how i am doing. later im going to grow more plants.


New Member
its a little small for its age. thats probably becuase its been stressed too much. you can tell at one point that the plant didnt have food, so it started eating its lower vegetation, thats why theyre light green. did you damage the roots by disturbing the soil too much anytime recently? when the roots catch back up, the plant should thrive.

also, the lst must be pretty new, or the plant just hasnt grown in awhile, because its not reaching for the light.

you should feed your plant once in veg and once in flower. if you havent fed it yet, do it with the next watering.

the roots also could be not working right becuase the soil is too wet. it should be moist, but not soaking wet. if you have trouble with determining when to water, let the soil dry out until your plants just start to droop from lack of water. cannabis grows when the climate is hot, and there is not too much rainfall. there is plenty of woodchips and other good stuff in your soil to turn into food. you just need the biota to do so.

if you feed with an organic 1-1-1 fertilizer, itll populate the biota. if you feed with a 1-1-1 chemical fertilizer, itll kill the biota off even more, and require you to feed more often.

the plant should thrive again soon. flower whenever you want. how many nodes do you have? there will be a pair of buds at every node, and since you lst'd, youll have more than one main cola.
its a little small for its age. thats probably becuase its been stressed too much. you can tell at one point that the plant didnt have food, so it started eating its lower vegetation, thats why theyre light green. did you damage the roots by disturbing the soil too much anytime recently? when the roots catch back up, the plant should thrive.

also, the lst must be pretty new, or the plant just hasnt grown in awhile, because its not reaching for the light.

you should feed your plant once in veg and once in flower. if you havent fed it yet, do it with the next watering.

the roots also could be not working right becuase the soil is too wet. it should be moist, but not soaking wet. if you have trouble with determining when to water, let the soil dry out until your plants just start to droop from lack of water. cannabis grows when the climate is hot, and there is not too much rainfall. there is plenty of woodchips and other good stuff in your soil to turn into food. you just need the biota to do so.

if you feed with an organic 1-1-1 fertilizer, itll populate the biota. if you feed with a 1-1-1 chemical fertilizer, itll kill the biota off even more, and require you to feed more often.

the plant should thrive again soon. flower whenever you want. how many nodes do you have? there will be a pair of buds at every node, and since you lst'd, youll have more than one main cola.
Yea the LST was done 2 days ago and i can already see it growing uptowards the light. Very slowly but its going up. Im hoping for more bud sights.

my pot is only 1/2 gallon pot. its very small. its a pc grow so i dont want it to get too big. cause this is a test run.


Well-Known Member
This plant is very very small for four weeks. Im suspecting a nutrient deficiency caused this, more than likely a heavy nitrogen deficiency


Active Member
Not all soil is meant for indoor gardening. Even under just a 75 watt cfl it should be bigger than that sorry to say. Something is definitely wrong if it can't stand up on its own after four weeks.



Active Member
Yes the plant will stretch when you switch it into 12/12. The more Sativa in the plant the more it will stretch. I forget the number but an indica plant will grow another 10 percent, indica/sativa 15-20 and sativa is I believe 25 percent. Again I'm not sure of teh exact numbers.
Yes the plant will stretch when you switch it into 12/12. The more Sativa in the plant the more it will stretch. I forget the number but an indica plant will grow another 10 percent, indica/sativa 15-20 and sativa is I believe 25 percent. Again I'm not sure of teh exact numbers.
Alright. thanks cause i dont want a really big plant just a starter one.


New Member
if you restore the proper environment, itll grow almost twice its size when it goes through puberty. you told me youre doing a pc grow. i suggested to flower soon. theres nothing wrong with your plant besides the fact that the soil and/or roots arent right. ph should be a little lower than 7, which tapwater should be around. both organic and chemical fert bring the ph down due to buffering agents.

a good feeding, and airy dry soil with a bit of moisture in between the bread are the best conditions.

then you have the other extreme that feed too much.
maybe it might of been a constant change in temperature. when lights on temps get up to 83-86 F degrees. and lights off 76-78 f degrees. maybe that stunt the growth?


Active Member
4 nodes in 4 weeks?! Something is wrong here!

Check the soil you used, is it very acidic?
Did you feed it any nutes yet?
Is your light very far from the plant or the wrong colour (blue cfl's 6000k for Vegative and red 2700k for flowering)?
Is the soil very compact?
Did you transplant it badly at some point?

As for when you flower the plant... The bigger it gets before you flower it the more bud you will get at the end.

You can flower anytime, even straight from seed, it just limits the amount of bud and plant size.