HELP, is plant okay


Active Member
Okay let me start by saying, I did try and self diagnose my plant.. But can`t seem to figure it out hence being a newb.. I am going to say that the plant was alot close to the lights id say about a half inch away from the light.. and my room temp was at about 95 degrees.. so did they leaves just burn because they got to dry.
been feeding them nutrients at a very very low dosage about half the recommended use every other water. My main question is will the plant bounce back even though these leaves are dried up
Thanks in advance.



Active Member
Probably light burn. Leaves should bounce back but they won't fully recover, parts that are brown and cracked are already dead, the yellowed part will green out again.

I say this because your temps were 95, which means the inches you had your plants away from the heat source was much hotter. I had light bleaching in a couple of my colas in a tent that never gets hotter than mid 70's.


Well-Known Member
Check your Ph... move your lights higher...get your temp down... and those Fugly leaves will not completely recover. :peace: Necrotic parts, just trim off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah heat keeps them shorter, and keeping the blight close keeps them from stretching. Blue spectrum also keeps them bushy with short internodal space