HELP!! is this micro nute defficiency or soil caused lock up?


Hi there!
this setup just got built the plants were germinated at some point mid october, id say the big one is 5 weeks old and the small one is 3 weeks old. theyve been giving me trouble since the start i suspect it was the soil, i potted the soil when it was dry then moistened it( mistake 1 yes 2 plants one pot mistake 2), so im guessing it didnt get evenly wet ( i eventually added some soap to my water; should have solved that problem right?). its store bought pre mixed soil that contains red sand among the other things. After sprouting and looking lovely eventually the first two serrated leaves started turning yellow, so i foliar fed them high N ferts, all was well. now the top leaves are starting to look weird and this one leaf looks like zinc deff or similar micro nute deff to me. plz help!
oh theyre growing under a 105 w (525 W) CFL with good air circulation and good temps. plants still seem to grow slow, i might be wrong time is strange and i dont understand it.
plz see pics!
Also, i live in Lebanon (no not tenessee, where the red hash comes from) and options are limited, i dont get most brands u guys would know. the strain is white russian bag seed (the buds had only a few so im hoping theyre feminised, u know freak male flower on sexy female and all)



Great, thanks!! you guys put my mind at ease, i don't know if the strain is a bitch to grow. my first grow op was flawless, these guys gave me a good scare when they were seedlings. i water once a week and foliar feed as much as possible. also i fed em once already and i don't see signs of note burn on the young one. fingers crossed i hope they're both sexy russian bitches. i just started germinating a bunch of other seeds one of which is feminized lemon skunk. if anyone knows of some awesome way to aerate the soil it would be cool.


Active Member
Use smart pots, theyre great for aeration and bottom feeding. I swear by them. I use 5gals and every harvest is one solid 5gal root ball. the entire 5 gals. its great!!!


Well-Known Member
and remember when foliar feeding if done too much can burn your plants.. I love foliar feeding but just go lite on the food


yeah i know, but I'm limited on space, i thought it would be okay since I'm not aiming for huge yields. at least not with those two... but I'm glad to hear they're looking good, i have five more germinating atm soon to be added to the collection. they're currently in a smaller warmer "seedling area, ill move em all in as soon as they are ready to flower in about 6 more weeks. by which time these two would have already been through at least two or three weeks of flowering. then ill take some cuttings and start all over :)
Ill post some new pics soon, when there is more green in my closet.


Hi everyone!
so, this has been going well up until this point, the plants are starting to turn copper brown around the edges and at the tips especially at the top of the plant. this happened after i trimmed it and took a few cuttings off it. The plant isn't growing very fast though, i know i should buy a PH meter, but where i live those are hard to buy (yes this is the third world). after doing some research i figure that its either nute burn or fungus of some type. although i see no reason for either of those to be true since i haven't been over fertilizing and since the humidity is not so high. i did foliar feed a little excessively at some point but that was like 2 weeks ago. see pics and plz help!!! i hate it when my plants are suffering. but really i feel like plant growth is slow, but my feelings are unsubstantial since i have no other plants to compare to yet.



Can you take a cutting and just plant it? is rooting gel absolutely necessary? i did that, all my clones look good except for one, its turning yellow.


Well-Known Member
and remember your cutting is turning yellow most likely because it hasn't established roots yet thus the plant can't eat.. You could always lightly foliar feed until she roots. and NO rooting gel is not always necrsy..


Awsome! I love you faceless(only due to the fact that i dont know what u look like) people who care about cannabis plants. Thank you! you make it easy for amateur growers to propagate this heavenly herb. and concerning the mother plants i thought one week was enough to dry that big pot up but i guess not, are brown spots possibly a symptom of over watering? cause thats the answer i got on other forums. in regard to the clones i dont let the soil dry out, but this specific clone was my "Test clone" i pulled it out of the soil to see if there was any root growth (there werent any :( ), all the other ones r fine.

