Help. Is this Nitrogen Deficiency?

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Set Up
Lights= 400w MH (20-24 inches from top leaf)
Ph= 6.5-7.0
Food=10-5-15 MaxiGro (been feeding it every 3 days)
Stage=2 months Veggi
Soil= Fax Farm Ocean Floor/rockwool
Seed=Some shitty dank

In my other post i showed that the plant kept on dropping. Now that i feed it more nitrogen he shot right back up and looked happy. This evening i opend my door to find the lower leaves full tips becoming yellow and continuing to spot up ward on the leaf like it was spreding. Can anyone tell me if i need to give it more nitrogen or is it nitrogen burn? Here are some pictures from 10 mins ago.



Well-Known Member
looks ok just keep your eye on it. may be from before you fed them. and feeding every three days may be a bit much. at most should prob be every other watering, and most do every third.


Active Member
k now that we have 2 assholes out of the way anyone with some useful help? Plants look sick and need some advice.


Active Member
looks ok just keep your eye on it. may be from before you fed them. and feeding every three days may be a bit much. at most should prob be every other watering, and most do every third.
ya i thought that i was feeding way to much as well but every time i take more then 3 days off from feeding her she willows hard core and looks so much more life like an hour after i feed her. but as far as the yellow leaf should i wait it out or feed her more? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Is it possible it's an auto-flowering strain? I think that at 2 months it may be getting ready to flower, in which case it's perfectly normal for the leaves to start turning yellow and falling off, starting with the bottom leaves.


Active Member
Is it possible it's an auto-flowering strain? I think that at 2 months it may be getting ready to flower, in which case it's perfectly normal for the leaves to start turning yellow and falling off, starting with the bottom leaves.
Oh sick i hope not hes so small...if a leaf falls off should i change the light to my 400w HPS, change the lights to 12hr/12hr, and give it bloom nuts?


Well-Known Member
Oh sick i hope not hes so small...if a leaf falls off should i change the light to my 400w HPS, change the lights to 12hr/12hr, and give it bloom nuts?
I probably would. I'm still on my first grow though, and mine's not an autoflowering strain so you might want some more expert info. Remember it's going to double or triple in size the first few weeks of flowering.


Active Member
you have any idea how long till you are supposed to flower? as well this is my first grow. she has been up and growing for a good 2 months now.


Well-Known Member
You can start flowering at any time. Some people start the 12/12 from seed or clone. I also read somewhere about a plant that was kept alive for 15 years before it was flowered. It's just a matter of how long you're willing to wait and how big you want the plant to get. I'd just base it on how much space you have, and how much your light will cover. If you have a 400w hps, for example, it only has about a 3' penetration, so anything on the plant 3' below the light isn't getting what it needs. When growing in soil, the rule of thumb on pots is 1 gal/foot of height, as well, so that's something else to keep in mind.


Active Member
sounds like something i should think about....i kinda wanted to wait till i had my new bulb next month..right now i have a MH balist and it cost 117$ to grab a HPS 400w bulb that has the same connection


Well-Known Member
That sounds similar to what I did... I had my plant going, then ordered a 400w hps. By the it arrived, my plant was over a 1' tall, which was taller than I had intended. In the first 3 weeks of flowering, my plant grew to 4', and I ran out of room, had to completely redo my grow area... it was a nightmare I hope you don't have to repeat. :P I was growing in hydro though, and I only veg'd for 4 weeks to get it that size.


Active Member
wow it really seems like maybe its ready to flower....i mean she looks only about 15 inches that kinda seemed small to me but if u say that at 12 inches it grew to 4 feet then dam i need to flower now.....i just feed her yesterday with nuts so should i wait till next feed to switch light cycle and add bloom nuts?


Well-Known Member
Actually, from some of what I've read, people continue on the veg nutes for the first 2 weeks of flower. Some people also do 24-48 hours of darkness before switching to 12/12. I think growing weed isn't an exact science. People have a million different ways that seem to work and they'll all argue that theirs is best. One other thing might look into is LST. You can use that to make it take up a little more space and keep it shorter, buying you time before flowering(though if it's auto-flowering, that might not be an option). Whatever you decide, good luck, and I hope I'm being helpful.


Active Member
wow this is many options...i just googled how to get ready for flowering stage and i got some many diffrent things. one person says leave the lights at 18 hours a day and use bloom nuts for 2 weeks then change the light to 12 hours....then someone says just change the light to 12 hours and use half grow/bloom for 2 weeks then use bloom....then another person says use veggi nuts for the first 2 weeks of 12 hour lights.......IM SO CONFUSED :wall:


Uses the Rollitup profile
posting on an irrelevant point is a form of harassment and wasting peoples time imo

Yes, you are CONFUSED! You don't know anything about growing, and you ask for advice, and when someone posts in response you call them an asshole.

You need to grow up before you start growing.

Try again, Son.

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