Help - Is this ok? - pics


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow and I may have been a bit neglectful. I developed what I think was nutrient burn the day after I started12/12 . I also think I was burning the tops for a while but I think that is ok now. I had never flushed, just added more water as they seemed to drink A LOT. It is day 7 in veg and I flushed the tub and washed it last night. I added a low does of nutrients. Opinions? Will they live?



Well-Known Member
i would hold off the nutes for a week. also, is that a hallogen light? if it is, it's only producing heat.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused how can you be giving your plants 12/12 hours of light if you are in day 7 of veg? You are giving your plant the wrong amount of light. You should be giving it at least 18/6 right now straight 24 wouldn't hurt.

What kind of nutes? What strenght were they applied? What type of light? How large? How far from the plants is it? Is it vented?


Well-Known Member
The little light on the right is actually a 150wt cfl. They put them inside spotlight containers now for things like outdoor floods and indoor canlights. I thought it was worth trying to add a little more under light. The main light is a 430wt hps. I blooped on the veg.. I meant 7th day of 12/12 flowering.
I am using the nutirents I got with my bubble bucket for now, they are called Dyna Grow and I bought the kit from htgsupply. It calls for 2 teaspoons per gallon and on this flush, I added half that.
I have a 4 inch power vent sucking air out on the ceiling and a small pc fan bringing in fresh air next to the plants. The temp stays a pretty steady 72 degrees f.
Do the pics look bad?


Well-Known Member
if it were me I would stop using ANY nutrients for a good 2 or 3 waterings and then start at 1/4 strength and slowly work up to full strength if needing to.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't seem to be getting any worse, however, it seems like most growth has come to a standstill. I exepected to see some sign of sex by now. Is a slowdown like this normal?>


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yeah Id check the ph get it closer to 5.5 or 6 in the hydro setup.Go with few days just balanced water and see how they react.You should well be able to see sex by now.Just look do you have balls or hair?
Hey man... Plants look nice. If you're using the hps thats good.. but to me it looks like you're trying to over do it. Remember man... we're imitating nature. In the one pic you have the cfl almost resting on the leaves. This is VERY BAD. Pot plants aren't sensitive to too much beside temp, and nutes. To much or too little of both has adverse affects. Flush the system with distilled water only for about a week or two. You should see the plant come back. You will have to trim the dead leaves off though. And for gods sake stop puting the light ON the plant. In nature the sun isn't pressed up against the plants. Good luck bro