HELP!! Jarred when too wet

Hey guys.

First time grower here. I feel like everything has gone spectacularly well for my first time, except I put my buds into jars too soon. They are still damp kinda like a sponge. I cut them off their branches to stick in jars, so I can't hang them again, but they're really damp and don't seem to be drying. I am worried about them not drying no matter how long I keep them in jars, and never getting to a point where they will cure... but more importantly I'm worried about them molding or mildewing, especially the stuff at the bottom of the jar or the bigger nugs.

Im thinking of pulling everything out of the jars and maybe putting them on a screen to dry more or maybe putting desiccant packs into the jars, but I really dont know what to do and don't want to ruin my entire harvest.

Please help.


Well-Known Member
Dry in jars? You dry BEFORE you place the bud in jars to CURE! Dump them out NOW on a screen laid flat and get dry air moving. Or smoke moldy weed and I have many times. Nothing I was careless enough to cause mold in but moldy Mexican brickweed stored for months in some warehouse in Houston.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

First time grower here. I feel like everything has gone spectacularly well for my first time, except I put my buds into jars too soon. They are still damp kinda like a sponge. I cut them off their branches to stick in jars, so I can't hang them again, but they're really damp and don't seem to be drying. I am worried about them not drying no matter how long I keep them in jars, and never getting to a point where they will cure... but more importantly I'm worried about them molding or mildewing, especially the stuff at the bottom of the jar or the bigger nugs.

Im thinking of pulling everything out of the jars and maybe putting them on a screen to dry more or maybe putting desiccant packs into the jars, but I really dont know what to do and don't want to ruin my entire harvest.

Please help.
Haha, ya... pull them outta the jars and place on a screen they need air to dry right - desiccant aint gonna work


Well-Known Member
Desiccant packs suck with pot during winter or in dry climates. They take that last bit of moisture needed to keep the bud pliable and from turning to dust and they suck it dry. Been there, done that.