Help! Large Plant. I Have No Idea What's Going on? Stress! Feedback Please!


Active Member
Hi everyone second post on here. My big girl decided to go into flower early and its in this weird phase where its not budding more or going back into reveg.Ide have to guess it started 4 weeks ago with the bad weather. Now all the water leaves are dying and I keep feeding it grow food (cns17)and superthrive and its just getting worse should I 1.ride it out see what happens or 2.closet flower it (put it in a closet at 6 and take it outside at night and let it wake up at 6 am) I hope to get some feedback I really cant afford this thing to die with a tiny bit of nugs after all the time and money invested. thank you!

(more pics upon request THANKS SO MUCH)



Well-Known Member
a good flushing never hurts. i myself am curious about your flowering question as well, i have two girls i put outside in march after 18/6, they started flowering but then just stopped in some limbo, and they're just staying put ever since. i'm hoping they will resume flowering in august.


Active Member
im afraid to flush to overwater it. This girl looked perfect 3 weeks ago and now it looks like doo doo.How do i flush without over watering?


Well-Known Member
flushing DOES NOT mean overwatering.

overwatering means not letting the soil dry out. it doesn't matter how much water you pour on it, as long as you let it dry between waterings you will be good. give it water 3 times the volume of your pot. keep your ph


Well-Known Member
Looks like it is well into flowering, what npk are the ferts? Bud looks ok to start with, i would keep it flowering.


Well-Known Member
You want to reveg it? They are the wrong nutes to flower with anyway 3-1-2/6-2-4/9-3-6/12-4-8. This could have been the problem with flowering, low phosphorous right when they needed it.


Active Member
yea im not trying to flower it. It went into it during bad weather im trying to get it outta it. Im just wondering since its so far in is should continue to let it flower hide it in a closet at 6 take it outside so it can wake up at 6 and give it flower nuterients or keep trying to ride it out see if it will reveg mind you I live in sounthern california and am @ 14.5 hours of daylight.


Well-Known Member
Is that 14.5 hours of daylight and getting more or less per day? It looks like it is in full swing of flowering, i never really re-vegged plants, that advice would need to come from someone who has. How many weeks would you say it has been flowering?


Well-Known Member
So the light per day is increasing? i.e. soon there will be 15 hours of light a day?
yes, until june 21st, then starts decreasing again. outdoors it's not so much about how much light but rather about the trend. they start flowering long before 12/12 (sep 21st), and some even finish by then.


Well-Known Member
So in two months can he re-veg and get good growth before flowering again? I think it's gone a certain way into flowering, maybe two three weeks. You would have to repot or do somthing similar, thats a long time to be in that pot and then the flowering again.


Active Member
i just repotted it before it went outdoors will it reveg this far or should i just flower. thanks guys for the help!


Well-Known Member
like i said i'm in the exact same situation with two girls outside, wondering about that myself as well :)


Well-Known Member
When i revegged plants in late flowering they hated my nutes, had crap and weird growth and took quite a few weeks to start growing properly by which time they had done quite a bit of stretching, this put me of re-vegging but i was a noob back then, maybe if i did it now i would get better results.