
Active Member
ok well i was given this plant of hindu kush and the reason i was given it was because the bugs were getting to her at my friends and it was growing for like a week and i didnt check on it for 3days but 3days ago there was starting of new leafs and after the rain and today i had time to check on it the leafs were gone but like a peice of 1 im a 1st time grower i think this mite be a good thing this happened but im kinda worried ill post a pic of the original and some new 1s
heres the original
Picture005.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and heres some shots of it now...
Picture010.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
see you can see the last leaf...thats there
thank you for taking your time to read this:peace:


Active Member
i know that it thats why i had it given to me but honestly im taking care of it and i havnt seen bugs near it and im too sure but i image the plant would grow new leaves and get rid of the old 1s to me it makes since but im not...really sure someone help:peace:

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
as long as it doesnt get eaten up again it should sprout again...get neem for the insects and spray it on once the plant is stable


Active Member
ok thank you very much neem? is it organic? and i can find it at any local shop? is it at like wal mart? thank you

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
neem can be used up to the day of harvest and it is completly organic. i spray my plants with it once a week just for prevention. when flowering starts try not to spray buds with it because neem is an oil and thc is oil soluble, therefore the neem dissolves thc from the bud and spreads it through the plant. when you get to flowering just spray the neem on your hand and apply it to the fan leaves and no buds. that should be good enough to keep pests away.