HELP !?! leafs are dying early?? PICS???


ok im in my 5th week of flowering and i seem to have two problems... 1st is i have and ice plant that has yellow leafs with brown spots ... why?? 2nd i have 2 sweet tooth plants and their main stems are turning reddish color..... these plants get fed same food as the ice plant put two different problems ... any feedback would really help.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
I would flush them and change what you feed them. Give them some molasses on the next feeding after the flushing, they look like they need magnesium. I would get some guano to go with the molasses. Whatever you are feeding them now, they don't like or you are giving them too much. Or maybe they are just overdue for a flush.
Treating Nutrient Deficiencies Nitrogen. N is the most common deficiency of cannabis indoors or out. The first sign is a gradual, uniform yellowing of the large, lower leaves. Once the leaf yellows, necrotic tips and areas form as the leaves dry to a gold or rust color. Symptoms that accompany N deficiency include red stems and petioles, smaller leaves, slow growth, and a smaller, sparse profile.
Remedy by fertilizing with any soluble N fertilizer or with a complete fertilizer that is high in N. If your diagnosis is correct, some recovery should be visible in three or four days. New growth will be much more vigorous and new stems and petioles will have normal green color. Indoors, you should expect plants to need N fertilization a few times during growth. Once a plant shows a N deficiency, you should fertilize regularly to maintain healthy and vigorous growth.