HELP Leaves are curling up day 4 of 12/12


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone let me just say thanks for taking a look at mine plant I'm not new to grow but I'm not an expert in any form I am growing in my closet with a 400 watt high pressure sodium light can I have a blue venom and a blackberry Kush in 5 gallon bucket with Fox Farm soil they bot get everything thee same but only the bv is doing this I'm using Alaskan fish fertilizer 5-1-1 no bloom fertilizer yet im use r/o water I dont have a ph tester yet but will get one before next watering if you have any idea what this can be the helpIMG_20130103_173835.jpg


Well-Known Member
to hot buddy its to hot for her...
Thanxs for the reply I was thinking the same thing but I have the blackberry rite next to it n she is doing good I also added some bagseed in party cu ps n they look ok I did put a fan pointed at the light last nite hoping that was it + rep to u bro for the help here is a pic of IMG_20121230_210047.jpgmy grow


my plants looked the same on my first grow....... i was sold some FFOF.
anyways.... i ended up having to transplant them into DWC. best move i ever made.

so it had to be either PH problems, or the soil. once I went to DWC with a ph meter. I was fine.
leaves kinda kept that look for the rest of the grow, but she came out fine.

i know it sounds backwards..... but DWC seems so much easier than soil for me


Well-Known Member
my plants looked the same on my first grow....... i was sold some FFOF.
anyways.... i ended up having to transplant them into DWC. best move i ever made.

so it had to be either PH problems, or the soil. once I went to DWC with a ph meter. I was fine.
leaves kinda kept that look for the rest of the grow, but she came out fine.
i know it sounds backwards..... but DWC seems so much easier than soil for me
I think is to late fir me to transplant to dwc but my clones r going to be done in dwc. I have had better results with dec all u need to do is keep the water temp down n a good ph leave the rest they will let u no wat they want check out my sig I got a over a ap with cfl n dec love it. Im going to get a ph tester soon maybe that's it + rep bro


I think is to late fir me to transplant to dwc but my clones r going to be done in dwc. I have had better results with dec all u need to do is keep the water temp down n a good ph leave the rest they will let u no wat they want check out my sig I got a over a ap with cfl n dec love it. Im going to get a ph tester soon maybe that's it + rep bro
its NEVER too late lol
I had a 5 week old plant vegging with those problems, like I said earlier.... except for the 5week part.. anyway, I took the plants out of the pot, ran my bathwater, rinsed all of the soil off of the roots, then popped it on top of a dwc bucket with some hydroton........ she came back very well, got 2oz dry from her. my 1st grow.

now, I would not reccomend that..... plenty of people here would bash me in the noggin for even saying that hahaha
but I'm just sharing my experience
I saw my leaves turning like yours and I freaked the heck out. being my 1st grow I scrambled and scrambled.
anywho..... yeah, jump on a ph tester, not the soil ones though.. I bought one and it never really worked... but hopefully you'll have better luck



Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the help I think the heat was the issue I hung a fan blowing the air just above the canopy and she is starting to look better!!! here is how they look now notice the faIMG_20130105_191928.jpgn hanging.


Well-Known Member
So I thought they where getting better but I was wrong now the bbl is getting. Some brown spots someone please help my leave r turning int tacos n getting spots I know im not over feeding im using organic at a 1/2IMG_20130108_195536.jpgIMG_20130108_195139.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mine look similar with the brown spots on fan leaves and some of my upper leaves "tacoing". I believe I tracked mine down to low PH. Not 100% sure how I'm going to fix it but I'm just watering with correctly PH'd water now hoping it will slowly change it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I went to my hydro store in town And I got some Cal Mag And that seems to be working for me