HELP!! Leaves are getting worse and need advice ASAP! PICS


I have posted before and got some advice and have followed it. I do house and garden nutes and have not been over watering and do the nutes every other water. I follow house and garden to a T on their chart. I also add Cal mag and have recently added Nitrex . I know a lot of people will read this and if you happen to know what the problem is, PLEASE respond!! I am not sure if these plants are too messed up. My Ph is always about 6.5-6.8. One of my fans were fairly close to these plants so is that a possibility? Almost all of my plants are curling in some form. Also the color is off. I read about if possibly being a phosphorous def. Also, I need to change my filter on my carbon filter for my water, could it be anything with the water? Maybe the water is not being filtered enough? If so, what should I do?? PLEASE Help!! Thanks!! Sorry about the yellow color in the photos, my camera is messed up and I can't manually change it right now.


iluv r3dtub3

New Member
it is not your nuts they are still green i think it is the heat do you have a good circulation of air and keeping the room cool keep your temp arowned 70-76 if anything put the plant outside for a little and let nature take care of it for a day a nice windy cool day with some mist


We have it at 74-76, I have 2 fans and we also have Co2 in the room. I have them on 24 hours light, like I always have. I live where it is very hot so that would not work, taking them all out side. Is there anything else you can think of that I can do? Do you think they look like they may not make it? I am trying to get better pics soon!! Thanks for answering so fast!!


Is it possible we have too many lights? I have an 8x12 room and 5 1000w lights. There has never been a problem this bad!! I am really worried.

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
they will make it might take a little longer to grow but there is a reson they are called weed rofl they are a survivor it all depends on what strained and light i would not run a 24 hour light give it some dark period to recover unless you are growing a auto flowering plant are you running a mh and how far is the light away from the plant and how mutch are you watering it gl and just keep doing what your doing it will come threw in the end!!! o ya what is your nitrogen level that could have some efect on the way your leafes are looking but they are still green so not to worryed about it just try and flush out your nuts and put in less nuts next time are you growing in soil or hydroponics?

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
ya i would run 3 lights for a whyle and see if it helps and how many plants you got in that room you could also have nitrogen level probs and your lights might be to close to the plants you might just have light scare it is rare but can happen with to mutch light in a inclosed area gl and have fun growin.

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
do you let your water sit arowned or is ti strait out of the fosit it might just be hard water it could be a number of problems if you get better pics i can help more


Well-Known Member
The first and last photo almost look like heat stress, BUT, and this is a big BUT, I see other problems in your second photo. You are running a deficiency on nutrients. I can't advise you to add anything unless you are 100% sure that your run off PH is within 6-7. I wish you had better pictures. I think photo 2 is showing signs of a potassium deficiency, likely cause by low humidity (too low) in your grow room. The curled leaves and the coloring on the leaf in upper left hand corner and the leaf in center show those characteristics. Some of the other leaves are yellowing, but leaving a green vein, that looks like a magnesium deficiency...


Flush the soil completely
sprinkle epsom salts or dolomite lime (1 tblsp per gallon of pot size) on top of soil and lightly water it in.
To take care of potassium issues, use MG plant food or MG tomato plant food.

Good luck!

(the fan could very well be causing the leaves to evaporate excessive moisture faster than the roots can replace it, making the leaves looked burnt. My response and recommendations are based on what i see in photo 2.


We are using HPS and we are almost too far away on the lights, 24" away, so don't think that is it. I just took some leaves off and they are worse than I thought! Here they are. They actually look dead! I have read a lot of books that say plants don't need rest, so that is what I have always done. I am watering every 2-3 days and I have not given them nutes for a week because of this so maybe they need nutes?! I have had MANY friends lose their entire crop in the end! I know they are a weed, but they do get stressed and can turn hermies or even die. I am adding extra nitrogen. How do you check the levels of Nitrogen? I am going to do a flush today. I am in soil, Happy Farms. Thanks in advancE!! I really appreciate it! I am really worried about these.



Well-Known Member
make sure you do a good flush and check the PH on the end of the run off. We are looking for something around 6-7. If it is higher or lower, we need to adjust. If you decide to use the lime or epsom salts, water it in with a weak mixture of MG plant or tomato food. Mix it at 1/4 of recommended strength for first watering, then maybe 1/2 the next time. I believe that will cure your problem. Do not add extra nitrogen as the plants show nothing indicating N is a problem. If anything, you may introduce another new problem entirely.

Make sure you flush thoroughly. DO NOT ADD EXTRA NITRO at this stage. You'll only compound the problem.


Regarding water, no, we make the water every day and we also add air to it. The ph run off, I will check again but it used to be under 7. I will do it today. So you think I should shut down 2 lights? I have about 32 plants in there. When you say heat stress, I am not sure because I have a very good A/C in there and it is always 74-76 and I have a humidity and temp gauge. The humidity is about 45% and the temp is 75, right now. We originally thought we were burning it with the nutes, so we stopped and added clearex and just used water and clearex. We filter our water with a carbon filter, but the filter is in need of replacement. I am planning on flushing them all today. I will get back to you on the ph runoff so I can get more advice. It will be about an hour. Thanks so much for all the advice. Please keep it coming. I am about 3 weeks past when I needed to turn these over to flower and it seems one thing after another.


Serapis, thank you so much!! We will try this. Maybe adding the Nitrex has made a small curl problem get worse!! I will get back to you on the ph. I will do a full flush. Adding a salt seems so bizarre because salt can kill a plant. Should I do the flush first with nothing first?


Should I flush with any nutes, since it has been a week since I have given them? I just feel so reluctant to add epsom salt, but I have read that. I scares me. When should I give them nutes again?
i would foliar feed with epsom salts for a quick boost because if your ph is off the plants wont be able to get it through the roots. magnesium def. causes taco leaves and twisted leaves. i have to agree with others though, that is a classic look of burned leaves from heat. how are you measuring temp? is the sensor on the wall? is it an ambient temp? measure it at the top of the canopy under the lights. and i second (or 3rd) the no nitrogen. n is not your problem. heres what i would do if it were my garden:
Flush like crazy
foliar feed with epsom salts
move lights up a bit
check and recheck ph in runoff
turn lights off for 4 hours per day. see what they look like in a week.
and as for nutes, after a good flush, weter with nutes at a diluted rate~ 50% strength, and slooooowly go up from there to 100%. and fyi epsom salts are not salt~ looks and sounds that way but rest assured, it isnt. ;-)


Regarding the temps, we do have our sensor at that level. Hanging down right above the leaves. What a day trying to figure this out! I think we may have figured it out. We got a new filter for our carbon filter and have 3 40 gal containers ready and we are getting ready to flush. We were reading our temp/hum gauge and our humidity is at 25-35% all the time. We also have an A/C that runs 24/7 and have CO2. We thought maybe our plants are looking burned because of the lack of moisture. We decided to put a humidifier in the room and all the leaves have opened up and look way better!! We think maybe the 'little mouths' under the leaves are closed because it is too dry in there. An idea and it seems the leaves look better. I will stop on the N and regarding the magnesium def, we are adding Cal Mag. We will move the lights up and check ph right now. We just transplanted these about a week ago, can you have nute lock out even with new soil? Thanks for the info on Epsom Salt, my hubby told me the Romans did something with salt to kill peoples plants so I will tell him that about Epsom Salt. We have not given nutes for a week, so you think it is ok to flush still or should I just feed them? Sorry I have not got the ph runoff, we have been messing with them all day. I am doing that right now..........


On the epsom salt........ What ratio and do I use any emulsifier with that to help it stick to the leaves? I am flushing and will be spraying the leaves with epsom salt and turn the lights off for 4 hours after I spray. THANKS!!!
i never use a spreader sticker but i dont know if theres a hard and fast rule on that. use 1 tsp/qt and use it every day until you see results, hopefully in a few days.


I only used 1/2 tsp per gal and turned lights off for 4 hours. Should I do it again since I did it so light? Also, do you need to turn the lights off when you spray? Thanks!!