I need help.
Most of my plants are currently having there top newer leaves curling in on them selves and some of the lower and upper leaves have burnt tips.
Im growing in soil Miracle grow indoor pot mix. Used it last grow with no problems at this stage.2 150hps 2 fans movin air around. temp in room is 90.
ive also noticed soem plants with very light green almsot yellow leaves. with very stunted growth
any help is much appreciated. sorry about no pics but i have nothign to take pics wit.
Most of my plants are currently having there top newer leaves curling in on them selves and some of the lower and upper leaves have burnt tips.
Im growing in soil Miracle grow indoor pot mix. Used it last grow with no problems at this stage.2 150hps 2 fans movin air around. temp in room is 90.
ive also noticed soem plants with very light green almsot yellow leaves. with very stunted growth
any help is much appreciated. sorry about no pics but i have nothign to take pics wit.