HELP! Leaves near top buds rolling up!


So I have a CFL grow in a 3x2.5x4.5 area. Just added a home made hood with mylar on to reflect any lost light back at my baby's. Everything was cool. Then the top leaves around the buds slowly started rolling up at the margins(not curl up from the tip). Well today after the lights being back up for a couple of hours. I took a peak and it's gotten worse. Some are even turning brown and withering up. I raised the hood a little to get the lights back, but i'm using cfl's! Is it a heat thing or nute thing. I even flushed out the soil. Please help!


Well-Known Member
If it didn't happen until you put your reflector hood on, I would think thats the problem. Sounds like its creating "hot spots" and burning your plants.

How old are your plants? And does this damage happen to every leaf or just in certain spots?


Got intake fan and out take. Just happened since the hood and only on the top leaves around the buds. Their about 17 days into flowering. I raised the hood up quite a bit to let out heat and have a door open with a big fan blowing air in right now. Should I take out the hood completely? Thanks for replies!


will my buds still continue to grow or are they done for? All the hairs are still there and white. Just not all tops look like puff balls now. It's not all the buds on top and the ones off the the sides more are fine looking. Also one plant got it just a little worse than the other. Any info is helpful. First time with Sweet Tooth in a growbox.


Active Member
do you have any pictures of whats going on??
Also, what are you using for lighting exactly?
I mean a bank T5's or something different??
And how close are they??


Well-Known Member
will my buds still continue to grow or are they done for? All the hairs are still there and white. Just not all tops look like puff balls now. It's not all the buds on top and the ones off the the sides more are fine looking. Also one plant got it just a little worse than the other. Any info is helpful. First time with Sweet Tooth in a growbox.

Remove your hood and see what happens? I say you got hot spots. :bigjoint:


Using a good mixture of 6500k and 2700k cfl's. They're not close enough to burn them. I totally removed the reflector. I think your right about the hots. I did leech them thinking that it was a nute problem and their it's somewhat droopy. Will it perk back up if I don't water for a couple days. Sorry my digital camera is not working great at the moment and can't post pics. Sorry for all the lame questions too. They've been perfect until now and I'm freaking out. Don't have the time and money to waste. When your body is sick it doesn't want to wait for medicine. If you know what I mean. All help has been great so far and any more will also be appreciated.


Gotta have HIGH hopes and take it one step at a time. So I've taken your advice Pokesalot and am hoping for the best. Ventilation is great in there right now without reflector and asked the goddess mother earth for her blessings! I've put them to bed for the night and we'll let you know how the next few days go. Thanks for the info and blessed be!