Help!! Light cycle brother has some baby plants right now and I am getting 2 of those plants. However he is running a ligh cycle that would get me caught up:-( is there anything I can do to not serverly shock and harm my plants when I put them on my 11-5pm light cycle?



Active Member
I'm assuming you mean that 11-5pm will be the lights off period?

I don't see you having a problem switching the light cycles... I lost power for 6 days with Hurricane Sandy, power came back on while I was away... needless to say, but my light cycles were all messed up... I just re-set the timers and said f-it.
Right now They are dark from 12-6. 2 weeks old. Under CFL'S. And no they will be dark from 5pm to 11pm. Then on all day.

Thanks for the responses!