Help light has been on for 2 days during flowering!


New Member
My plants are about 5 weeks into flowering and plenty of buds showing but I think my timer has stayed on for 2 days at least and now my plants look like they have stems growing out from the top any ideas I've reverted back to 12/12 but are they past help they are all still healthy I just don't know what to do thanks in advance.


Same thing happened to me once and only got some strange leaves sticking out of the colas. Nothing to worry about


New Member
Thank you both I was getting a bit worried that I turned them hermi they do look a bit strange hopefully they will be back to normal in a few days thanks.


Well-Known Member
:D i had the same thing happen on my first grow but they recovered and did well and only the other day i found out my new timer Stuffed up and the new grow got 2 x 24 hours of light soooo pissed but like last time should recover just add them days and let it flower for a week more :) best of luck