Help! Limited drying spaces... what to do?!



I'm about to harvest one of my 3 ladies. What I normally do is chop them and dry them in the same room I flowered in, with the AC and everything turned off and fans in the room. Since the other two are not ready, I am in kind of a predicament.

I once dried a fresh batch in the closet while the rest of my ladies grew... they dried in 2 days and basically flash-dried, none of the metabolic process were able to take place. I assume this is from the water being sucked out of it from my air conditioner/dehumidifier.

My problem is this: I don't have a dehumidifier anymore, but I do have a big-ass air conditioner unit running. If I decided to throw them in the closet of my flower room to dry again, while the AC is still running, will the same thing happen? Like I said, it is not a dehumidifier like last time, but it still removes a 5gal bucket of water from the air every day.

Do you think its safe to dry in that closet, even considering what happened last time? My only options other than that are to dry in a moldy closet (no) or to hang them in my veg tent, above the light (which isn't dark enough for my tastes)

Thanks you for your time :)

edit for spelling!


I really like that idea.

However, the issue I have at the moment is primarily financial... I cant really put any more money into this simply cuz I don't have it.

I really need to figure out if the AC (9000 btu) is going to affect the drying buds in the closet... because if it will I will either need to hang them in my bright ass tent or ina moldy closet. Without spending money, those seem like my only options.


Well-Known Member
Well throw the moldy closet idea away unless you want to throw all the bud away.
It should be ok with the ac , just hang them so there isn't any air blowing straight on them.
Also if you wanna slow the drying down, put it in brown paper bags. They'll dry slower.


Well you don't seem too alarmed about the AC ruining them... the closet has a door of course, so would it behoove me to stick an osc fan in there as long as the closet is sealed? Should I even bother sealing the closet? Would that actually worsen things?

I am super worried about the AC managing to suck the water out of the closet... so forgive me if I'm very... question-y.


Well-Known Member
I believe the osc fan would dry it too fast. The bag method seems to be you best bet.


Well-Known Member
Well if your Ac has a humidity setting, you could turn that off or set a little higher, But i wouldn't worry. If it just exchganges air and gives fresh cool air, it's ideal, I mean that's what you need for drying right? Fresh, Cool air. Dry those motherf**kers