Help lower leafs turning yellow :(


My baby has recovered look st this pic since last one so much better but have lost .4 sets of leaves :( but its alive that's all that matters cheers all u who gave advise much appricated



Active Member
how did you solve the issue??? I fixed mine by adding more water. I went from 1/2gal. to 3/4gal. of water & they perked right up!!!


A Gardner friend the kind who grows Veg n fruit had s look n said thr soil ph was fine the water ph was fine n that the soil I was using was fine he looked at me babe n said me problem was the pot, it was too small n that the plant had become pot bound I.e. way to many roots for the little amount of soil in the pot b to put in much larger pot. So I did 4 days ago n now has come back strong :) .
When I transferred pots I went to break off old soil n couldn't really cus from top to bottom was almost pure roots an the roots at the bottom were in gr8 big circles ova lapping each other . Is now in a pot at least 3.5 times bigger just a shame couldn't save the other lower leafs in time looks like it really stretched lol


Active Member
well, we learn as we grow ;) I almost killed one of my brainstorms. I didn't realize I had not punched holes in that particular bucket, so the soil got water logged. I was able to save it though. She looks like a champ now. Good luck!


Cheers calidadd I'm gonna b growing proper next year with a tent a new sodium lamp , with the newer bulbs with pink orange red n blue spectrum so cab use thru fall grow maybe 4-5 babes n some proper seeds not bag seed lol.
With the amount I've learnt just with this one plant I think I'm ready cheers again for da tips any help is good help
Some ppl on here seem bit stuck up n snooty , only a few mind. It's good to know there's other farmers willling to help each other gut me up if u need anything bro peace n strong hashish . :)