HELP!!! Male next to a Felmale! To late??? (pictures)


Active Member
Took this picture at 2:30pm Nov 30th.
One is a Male.:wall:
It has been sitting next to a clone will the clone be fine?



Well-Known Member
one of those balls look open, and if that stuff thats on the leaves is pollen then yup too late that sux.

how did u not catch the male b4 that time


Active Member
only time will tell now.... just keep watching your female and watch for bananas to start shooting out of the buds.
that 1 sack on the male looks like its alrdy opened and release pollen...
Vouch with the top post. how did u not cetch that male. it looks like its been a male for some time now


New Member
ewww i had the same problem just alot moreshitter lol i burnt out a 50 amp timer and didnt have lights for 2-3 days and i had about half my crop go seedy :(


Active Member
I'm going to toss the male :evil: and hope that it didn't pollen the clone and the other one I planted from a seed.