Help MAYBE!?? Progress report!


Active Member
maybe someone can answer this this is first time growing , my buds look like they have crystallized I see in the sun light (very exciting) so how much longer till I take them? oh and whats the best way to cut them, roots and all or cut down low?


Active Member
So today is pay day and I am going to the hydro store and to get new pots. I have just a few questions I could really use answered quickly however. First off, the plants are very large and in pretty good size pots already but they are filled and the roots are starting to grow out the drain holes. How much more are the roots going to grow during flowering? I am trying to decide how big of pots to get so that they don't run out of room half way through flowering. Also, I will be buying flowering nutrients today as well. I would like to buy the Dutch Master line of nutes. I know they are technically hydro nutes but can I use them in my soil? Anyone had any luck with these nutes or do I need to look at another brand? I will have more pics up later today! THANX GUYS FOR ALL YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND HELP!!


Active Member
So here they are after 43 days of veg and in there final pots which they will stay in throughout flowering that I will start in 2 days. The pots are 22 qt. I used Miracle grow organic potting mix and perlite. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! I can use the support and inspiration. I really hope some of these 4 girls are actually girls. I only have pics of 3 of them. The 4th ones pics didnt come out for some reason. ENJOY bongsmilie


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Active Member
:hump::blsmoke:Well sorry I have been so busy with plants and work that this has been the soonest I could get an update up. I have fixed the zinc problem and the plants are now 16 days into flowering. CHECK THEM OUT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!
