help me ASAP please


Every time I change my solution, my plants start to look lethargic before I get then back in the water ...... And for the next few days I start losing lower leaves ( yellow and brown )


Active Member
make sure the water is aerated,check the pH, temp of the nutrients, what is the medium? it sounds like the problem is they never dry out or the roots lack oxygen, or have root rot . if you have healthy new growth maybe its not a serious thing , photos would help

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
What the pH "should be" in hydro depends on multiple facotrs, not the least of which is the nutes you are using. For example, Humboldt says with their products, a pH from 5.5 to 6.5 is fine. I think it is almost impossible that a pH of 6.2 is having any effect on this problem.


I'm using canna aqua vega a b I only have this problem when I'm changing the solution and by the time they are good again its time to change it again .... Once a week right ?
Hydro ph should run from 5.1 to 6.1. Over 6.1 and you start locking out P, K, Ca, Mn, Fe and B. Optimal range is 5.8. Not saying this is the problem, but it could be. Pics would help.


Well-Known Member
In the last few weeks of growth my solution is @ 7.0 sometimes higher.PH is a variable that is calculated with PPM.Heavy feeders need a higher PH.I never go below a 6.0 PH.
Plus if you are listening to the BS about a 5.0 while cloning it is the reason you dont have a 100% success rate.
First time I've heard of that 5.0 for clones. Guess thats why I've not had problems. Used to run my 3D cut around 5.8. That was that plants sweet spot.