Help me choose a bubbler, choices with pics inside :)


Well-Known Member
Ok sick guys, now im also in the market for a bubbler and didnt wanna flood the forum with threads. Ok now price matters a bit but i have picked out a bunch of different ones that im willing to pay for. IM looking for a good well working bubbler, not one that is hard to fill and level. My friend once had one and the bubbling part of it sucked.

SO heres the choices and the prices, color doesnt matter to me but i do like clear ones to see the smoke hehe. What would you buy?

#1- 70$

#2 - 40$$

#3- 30$$

#4- 60$$

#5 - 40$$

its off this site which i thought had good stuff and good prices, if you have any other websites and/or suggestions lay them on me.
wow thats a sick one, where did you get that i bet it bubbled/filtered/cooled so well with that chamber.

yea it sucks when things break, my 250 dollar perculated bong broke so now i need a new glass piece and dont feel like spending that much on something that could break again. If my 50 dollar pipe/bubbler breaks, ill be sad but i not as mad.
oh man, my friend has almost the exact same one as that top photo. It rips!!!! much easier to use to, and fill/empty. Really makes that tobacco smoke smooth

anyways choose whatever has the best quality of glass, so you can make sure you buy a better quality one.
number five for sure. I'm kinda partial to blue pieces though. So, I'll vote number four as well, to switch my color scheme up a bit. Let us know what you went with.
i wouldnt go with five look at the little hole in the stock way to small and it looks like cheap glass the bottom of it isnt even inside out. Witch means it breaks fairely easy. He was looking for somthing that would hit nice not by the looks. Dude forget a bubbler just buy a bong.