Help me design my grow closet!


Active Member
Alright everyone so i am wanting to grow a few plants for my own personal use! So far this is the information i have. Its a closet grow area with the demensions of 2foot wide, 2foot deep and five feet tall. Im going to atatch some picture to show the area.

Ok now im trying to decide how many plants i can sucessfully grow in this area. Taking what i have rad you need 1 square foot per plant. With this room i would have enough space for 4? My relative who will remain annonomous is funding the project so i would like to keep it under $300. So these are the set ups im currently looking into.
*with this one i would purchase this light...

In your honest opinion which am i best suited for?



Active Member
i say go get some hanging flourecent tubes fixtures the ones that are for 18 inches run 4 tube lights and cut the carpet inside the closet just exacto knife were the closet door is and rip out the carpet and your set !


Active Member
ohh and i frogot for a cheap way get white bristol bord and put it on the inside of your closet door so no light leaks throught the door and get a small oscilating fan

Top 44

Well-Known Member
You should be able to get 4 plants in there bro. It's a good idea to cover the walls with white plastic but don't have to. G et rid of the carpet if you can, if not cover it well with plastic, you don't want it getting wet and moldy. You've got some height, so you could do a 2 level grow. You can probably fit some T5 lights in there, cheap & easy.


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone so i am wanting to grow a few plants for my own personal use! So far this is the information i have. Its a closet grow area with the demensions of 2foot wide, 2foot deep and five feet tall. Im going to atatch some picture to show the area.

Ok now im trying to decide how many plants i can sucessfully grow in this area. Taking what i have rad you need 1 square foot per plant. With this room i would have enough space for 4? My relative who will remain annonomous is funding the project so i would like to keep it under $300. So these are the set ups im currently looking into.
*with this one i would purchase this light...

In your honest opinion which am i best suited for?
If you can, ditch that closet, unless you're sure you can make it light proof. I have a closet like that and the closet doors have gaps in them. I have had a HELL of a time trying to seal it off, to the point where I ultimately had to seal off the entire room and black out the windows with lawn trash bags. I'm going to start building a wardrobe style grow box this week so I don't have to deal with the light issues anymore.

As for the Bubbler, I would highly recommend making one. I just made one for about $20 from parts I got at WalMart and Lowes and my next grow is going to be DWC.