HELP ME Fellow Stoners

Sup all, i'm screwed for a while. Im joining the job corps and they drug test often. Although i hate the idea of smoking anything but the goods, i also dont like the shady business of faking urin tests. My question is can anyone give me any positive feedback on legalbuds:spew:. I know it wont be anywhere near mary jane, but i've got limited options


Well-Known Member
I dont think you'll get any positive feedback on legal buds. If you have the willpower id go with cigs. Good luck with the job corps tho


Ive never heard anything good bout legal buds. I tried a little my friend had and you should just save your money and smoke parsley.


Active Member
You're just going to have to get high on life for a while. Sucks to be you. ( I refuse to lol) but ha ha
Thanks for that, i hate cigs=(, oh well at least i can blame job corps for ODing on somas. Wonder how much bud i could squeeze in in two weeks, the thought makes me gitty


Well-Known Member
i thought that spice was a legal alternative and people seem to like it...or is that not a viable option?