Help me figure out this.....


Well-Known Member
I bought a timer today and its way beyond me, i have no clue how to set this for 18/6 or 12/12. heres the pics of it.



Elite Rolling Society
Those little things that you have 4 of, 2 red,a nd 2 green, they pull out to be MOVABLE or Unlocked. You PUsh the green one, and Pull the red one. Put one back at 7 am and one at 7 pm, and you have 12/12.


Well-Known Member
NO, pull out one of the red ones and one of the green ones out. You have it set up to turn on then turn off if a few minutes.


Elite Rolling Society
The number in the circle is the time NOW that you are setting it.

You can throw away one of each green and red ones.


Well-Known Member
just yank them out? if theres only a green and red then this thing would be easy but when they put 4 im lost lol


Well-Known Member
they seem to be in there pretty good, i gut off the top of them but i dont think the rest is gonna come out.



Well-Known Member
you just broke those two peices of plastic? the timer will now turn on at eight and shut off at nine or vice versa. there should only be one green and one red. use pliers to get them out. the mechanism that turns on and off is at the bottom of those peices of plastic, so cutting them down will do nothing. i have the same timer and i was confused at first, too. hope that helps... :peace:


Well-Known Member
well i got my pliers and yanked them out, but now im confused at which time of day i put it to. theres black and white numbers from 1-12, its 6 Pm(dinner time) where i am so i set it to the black or white 6?



Well-Known Member
i have that same timer that reason why you had 2 gr. and 2 rd. is because you have 2 outlits on that timer so you can control 2 different lights ! i just pulled 1 rd. and 1 gr. up and left them alone and the other rd. and gr. i got on 18/6 gr. at 6am and rd. at 12am


Well-Known Member
Haha, this is funny. Set the arrow in the middle to the approx current time in the circle. Then set the green one on the time you want the lights on and the red on the time you want them off. Looks like the white is am and the black is pm. remember that the timer turns clockwise so the times progress backward around the circle.