Help me get someone off coke or advice

Am I the only one upset by this guy coming to our site and asking about a heavy narcotic (cocaine) because we have EXPERIANCE.
I find it very upsetting that this guy is putting a marijuana community in the same class as COCAINE...WTF??? Sorry about your relatives problems bro but this is not really the place to be asking about this matter... I feel offended... Perfect example of sterotyping.....

Ya this is HS ... I am kinda offended that YOU are making this statement here (well not really, you are NEW here and as it seems, GOT lost in OUR basement)
Back to the Green-House Stoner !!
We roll all kinds of things here ..... You didn't know ?
With your post count ... you are in no position to feel Smokey !!

;) .......................................................................

Am I the only one upset by this guy coming to our site and asking about a heavy narcotic (cocaine) because we have EXPERIANCE.
I find it very upsetting that this guy is putting a marijuana community in the same class as COCAINE...WTF??? Sorry about your relatives problems bro but this is not really the place to be asking about this matter... I feel offended... Perfect example of sterotyping.....

Yes you are the only one. :arrow::o
Ya this is HS ... I am kinda offended that YOU are making this statement here (well not really) ....
Back to the Green-House Stoner !!
We roll all kinds of things here ..... You didn't know ?

No i guess i didnt not trying to argue, but im sure im not the only one who is offended by a guy who gets online and finds (quote) "a drug forum" ( Because you know, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth,) ( Its all the same RIGHT?????) to ask a question about a relative whos hooked on cocaine and what he can do about it because you know , a drug user is a drugh user right???
Am I the only one upset by this guy coming to our site and asking about a heavy narcotic (cocaine) because we have EXPERIANCE.
I find it very upsetting that this guy is putting a marijuana community in the same class as COCAINE...WTF??? Sorry about your relatives problems bro but this is not really the place to be asking about this matter... I feel offended... Perfect example of sterotyping.....

No. Not offended at all. Im actually glad he felt comfortable enough with us to ask for our help and advice.
Am I the only one upset by this guy coming to our site and asking about a heavy narcotic (cocaine) because we have EXPERIANCE.
I find it very upsetting that this guy is putting a marijuana community in the same class as COCAINE...WTF??? Sorry about your relatives problems bro but this is not really the place to be asking about this matter... I feel offended... Perfect example of sterotyping.....

There are people with experience in this bit and he might be stereotyping unintentionally but that doesn`t mean he has made a good bet for the person he knows about to find some info. And whoever has it, will give. I could more understand if you told him off in the Toke N Talk section rather than Hallucinatory Substances. Its cool dude, people ask for advice often here, dont worry.
Yes ... the more perspectives the better .... The OP ..... might entertain many avenues ... to approach the issue.
As also understand it .... from the other side of the coin. This is a public forum ... stake no claim to your access.
And realize ... there is many qualified people roaming these pages ... full of helpful suggestions.
Not everyone on this board is a 20 something .... Stoner.


Man, how stereotypical of you .... I am not offended tho .... as that is to be expected ..
from a Stoner !

Take no offense, but realize YOUR provincial attitude.
Ya this is HS ... I am kinda offended that YOU are making this statement here (well not really, you are NEW here and as it seems, GOT lost in OUR basement)
Back to the Green-House Stoner !!
We roll all kinds of things here ..... You didn't know ?
With your post count ... you are in no position to feel Smokey !!

;) .......................................................................


For your information, Ive been a member here longer than you have, I just started a new account because I coudnt erase old pics and was a little worried.... Ive been here since 08....and if you want to call me out on it...I will go sign in with my other name and prove it... not trying to argue here, so could you please refrain from editing your posts every 2 min. and trying to start a shouting match here....again...everyone is entitled to a opinion...
LOL ...
Listen ... friend ... as you move forth with your tone .... You got nothing to prove to me ... as your Mind seems so young as it is.
(You got other shameful accounts with not secure pictures ... are you 12 ?)
I am not trying to start a shouting mach but pointing the 'syntax error in your comments'.

You have been a member on this site longer than ME ... (what do you know of ME and PUFFER Fish) ... nothing.
What do you know of other incarnations .... nothing.
Please, put the ganja a side and think what you are saying ... in the context of where you are saying it.
And have a good day.!

I always edit my posts .. FOO ... !
As they are organic in nature .... dynamic creatures by design.
Its all good, everyones entitled to a opinion...... I just felt stereotyped thats all...Im done trying to debate and argue:joint::peace:

Its a valid point. Its kind of like seeing a black guy on the street and asking him if he can hook you up with some weed or some powder.

One of my cellies was a Mexican dude (hella cool) and he told me how he worked as a valet for awhile parking cars and he would always get white guys asking him if he could get some weed. He said it pissed him off. It was funny because he told me "yes I hook people up with weed all the time, but I was offended that people assume since I am Mexican, I automatically know where to get weed at" LOl.
I think it was cuz he was a valet. Lol my best friend is a valet and gets asked that shit on a daily basis. He makes more money doing that than valeting.
LOL ...
Listen ... friend ... as you move forth with your tone .... You got nothing to prove to me ... as your Mind seems so young as it is.
(You got other shameful accounts with not secure pictures ... are you 12 ?)
I am not trying to start a shouting mach but pointing the 'syntax error in your comments'.

You have been a member on this site longer than ME ... (what do you know of ME and PUFFER Fish) ... nothing.
What do you know of other incarnations .... nothing.
Please, put the ganja a side and think what you are saying ... in the context of where you are saying it.
And have a good day.!

I always edit my posts .. FOO ... !
As they are organic in nature .... dynamic creatures by design.

Who is being immature here???
Why are you trying to start an argument with me? I stated an opinion, and you wont SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Grow up , Im 32 years old...Im not trying to argue....If everyone goes back and reads how this has transpired. They will see clearly you are the one picking a tiff here....Internet tough guys...just drop it....Did I start with you??? NO! Whos acting like a child here?? YOU! Im going to be the better more mature man and simply drop this....I will argue with your immature mentality no more. DONE....
You should have not ... Plastered your Ignorance all over HS to start with.
Your Persona nouveau is tainted now ... and I haven't even done a proper data wake.

I am not fighting with YOU ... I am at work .... and can afford the time
to contribute to OP's understanding of the situation.
You on the other hand have nothing to say.

I am much older than you are in humans years.
And way beyond in Maturity. Put the bong away !
Consider a new avatar ... as you are slowly starting
to look like a Typical Stoner !

U have % 0 to contribute here.
That is all.

P.S .. I just looked at your started threads .... and you don't even know how to grow weed.
What have you been doing all this time ?
Just a quick note: I am partially wrong here, I did not see this was posted in the hullucinatory substances section. so to those I offended, Im sorry. Even though cocain sure as hell isnt a hullucinatory I should put down the bong.....on second thought....hell nooo....bongsmilie
Glad old Puffer and Smokey have chilled out now, you guys go together man, puffer and smokey =)

To Smokey Green id like to say, don`t judge puffer but try and understand him. Puffer seemed like an odd guy when I first saw him posting around on this forum, but the more I try and understand him, the more I learn. To you puffer, I still think about those PM`s you sent me a while ago :)

But Puffer, I understand it was a post with a syntax error, but whats wrong with good old stoners? They are just... stoners :) Its quite a repetitive and mundane thing I have to say, to toke on that J or bong, get the munchies and forget things every day but its hell of a cool thing, some of us are acute stoners and some are the chronic version. I guess the chronics just find what they want out of life with the herb :)

I think im more acute when the time comes but respect for the old chrons!! :D