It says what jail he is in on the report... PM me if you'd like the info.
Almost a week and a half ago... just noticed that, now I worry about the bond situation.
I can not PM until I have 50 posts I must be blind or not know how to read a report correctly. is it Sonoma County Jail?
damn I thought it was like yesterday.Idk when he'll get bail then.
How bad are his charges?
Sonoma was the arresting agency it appears, he is now at Alameda County.
Sent you a PM.
if there is any way i can help, PM me. i will transfer some money via whatever.
No problems... I hope he gets out soon and back to his family...
I'm putting my personal squabbles with FDD aside and will help if able, I'll be keeping an eye on the report status for a bond and if you find out, as UB said... let us know via PM (get those 50 posts) and I'll help out as well.
I hope all goes well... If someone has done something so 'wrong' that they are put in jail for it, why lock them up if they are willing to let them out for some cash? Fdd is not a criminal for what he does; the murderers and rapists that should be locked away from society are. *growl*
Maybe I should do what they did in half-baked.