Help me- Help FDD

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A single negative word leaked into the court proceedings from his "friends" can fuck up his shot at seeing his family before he goes away. Trust me... Been there, done that. Badmouthing the judges, threatening "mercenary breakouts," it all hurts his chance of getting bail. FDD seemed very intelligent, and was very helpful when I was on this forum before... His going to prison is bad, but, we can seriously hurt his chances of bail, and negatively affect his sentence
A single negative word leaked into the court proceedings from his "friends" can fuck up his shot at seeing his family before he goes away. Trust me... Been there, done that. Badmouthing the judges, threatening "mercenary breakouts," it all hurts his chance of getting bail. FDD seemed very intelligent, and was very helpful when I was on this forum before... His going to prison is bad, but, we can seriously hurt his chances of bail, and negatively affect his sentence
Some of deal with harsh reality in our day dreams :peace:
Some of deal with harsh reality in our day dreams :peace:

That can bring serious hardship on the person that caused your acknowledgement of the harsh realities ... I'm just saying, as much as I think FDD should be sitting at home, watching a movie with his wife and kissing his kids good night, I know that the feds will be monitoring what people say about him, and if people make threats (even hypothetical) about gaining his freedom, it can create more trouble for him. I have seen and dealt with it first hand. I was the subject of an international fugitive hunt, and someone's joke online about my not deserving incarceration almost pegged me with a conspiracy charge...
Here's the latest. The news is not good, but it's getting better. Fdd was in court yesterday for a bond hearing, and the pigs decided not to release him again.

He has another hearing next week, and there is an indication that he may be released then.
Damn, now FDD is locked up for ANOTHER fucking week. Stay strong FDD. Hopefully they let him out next week.
That can bring serious hardship on the person that caused your acknowledgement of the harsh realities ... I'm just saying, as much as I think FDD should be sitting at home, watching a movie with his wife and kissing his kids good night, I know that the feds will be monitoring what people say about him, and if people make threats (even hypothetical) about gaining his freedom, it can create more trouble for him. I have seen and dealt with it first hand. I was the subject of an international fugitive hunt, and someones joke online about my not deserving incarceration almost pegged me with a conspiracy charge...

For those of you that don't believe this google Black Tuna Gang. These guys pulled 15 to 20 years because of rumors . Well they did import a few pounds of smoke. But the rumors added a lot more time to the sentence.
I would have walked with a misd. but a person close to my case made a joke about a firearm that was alleged to have been in my possession ... They are severely disabled and had been held at gunpoint for 4 hours waiting for me when I got there, la policia decided to raid their house a second time, after I was safely behind bars (an S.R.T./swat served the DWI warrant) because of that smart ass remark, I faced 7 felonies instead of 3 misdemeanors, I would up putting in 21 months, instead of the 11 months for the original DUI, and became an international fugitive for almost 2 years while they were sorting out the mess (and while I lived under a different name, of course.)
I swear to God, what the fuck is wrong with this country? I've been hesitant to post in this thread...I've watched FDD blow glass, chatted with him on his channel...He fucking blew the pipe I use every day. Damnit...There's really nothing we can do? He's gonna MAYBE be released for a while until he goes to jail FOR A FUCKING PLANT? Seriously, I might be starting to sound like a crazy person here, but this is the kinda shit that makes me not wanna live in the US, or anywhere else with these bullshit views on plants or other substances with LEGITIMATE MEDICAL BENEFITS. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

I know theres nothing that can be done at the moment, but this shit is a load, man! I can't believe this happened...And KMK! WHAT THE FUCK! Kotttonmouth too? I swear, this is too much for me to handle right now.

Thanks for keeping us posted, Rolli, sorry for venting.

My thoughts are with FDD, KMK, KMK's girl, and their families.
Some of deal with harsh reality in our day dreams :peace:
I apologise for any confusion. This statement was meant for any Law Enforcement reading this who may take any or all statements as literal. There are a lot of people who are extremeley saddened and angered at Reality and unable to do anything in Reality they attempt to deal in their Dreams. :peace:
Its not hard to believe that this happens from day to day.
To us its a plant to others its a DRUG. When you make choices that violate laws how ever stupid they might seem this is the outcome that might wait you.
Larger players in this game like FDD sometimes face the punishment our states or laws permit. i feel sadness over the situation , but learn from it.
next time your brokering deals for 50 grand on a plant.......... its probably a LEO.
If the probation department is arguing against his release I doubt he gets out cause 9 times out of 10 the judge will side with the PO department.
They'll have to really prove he's not a flight risk and if they do let him out he'll most likely be placed on a gps monitor.
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