Help me/ how to clean this bong

Yea so you should be able to dump the water from one end or the other, get a kung fu grip on it and watch it go drip drip drip. Than just soak it in 91% rubbing alcohol and add sea salt or kosher salt (bigger than table salt) as an abrasive and shake shake shake. If you have a sink with a removable sprayer use it to flush out the salt and iso. My sprayer fits right into the mouth of my Toro works perfect.
Yea so you should be able to dump the water from one end or the other, get a kung fu grip on it and watch it go drip drip drip. Than just soak it in 91% rubbing alcohol and add sea salt or kosher salt (bigger than table salt) as an abrasive and shake shake shake. If you have a sink with a removable sprayer use it to flush out the salt and iso. My sprayer fits right into the mouth of my Toro works perfect.
Sublime reference noice!
Dump all the crap out. Rinse in hot water, repeat. When it's all out and you've just got that crap tar residue left, use a mixture of rubbing alcohol and salt (as mentioned). Its for the abrasiveness and doesn't dissolve in the alcohol easily. The tar will then wash right off. Also, you could use something called Formula 420. It's essentially the same thing, but works and smells better. But, of course, you gotta pay for it. A three pack of 12oz bottles is $15 online.