Help me identify the issue with my girls.

Leave the bottles on the shelf and build some good, nutritious soil next time. You can do extensive research till it's coming out your ears and that's great, but if you can't employ common sense along the way, the results will show it. Good luck !!
You can water every day outside in a smart pot and not overwater, all depends on the quality of your soil. I'm in 60 gallon smart pots and water a few gallons every day. Another week and I'll be putting down 4 gallons a day. The "let your plants dry out" stuff is fine for indoor grows with controlled temps but complete bullshit for outdoor grows with high heat.

The clawed leaf tips is a sign of overfeeding, not necessarily nitrogen. It is most commonly nitrogen because that is commonly the most applied nute in veg. You can produce clawed leaf tips with low nitrogen levels if your overall ppm is still too high.
I'm using Fox farms ocean forest with happy frog mixed in. Pretty decent soil quality. This is why I felt I wasn't really over watering since it's been super hot and I always pick the pots up for weight and I also put my finger in the soil to see if it's dry.
No. It'll clear up. Just don't feed it for a little while. FFOF should feed for longer than base growing mediums.
Yeah they have been in this soil and 15 gallon pot not for over 30 days easily. And again it's mostly around the base of the plant. The middle and upper leaves are fine as of now. I was hoping by only feeding 1 time a week at the most, and doing 2 straight waterings in between feedings would help flush out the soil. I for sure thought it would prevent over feeding by implementing the feed, water, wate, feed schedule. But I guess I was wrong.
All you have at present is a warning sign to ease up on the feeding. No big deal.
So you guys suggest not flushing them tonight. What you guys are suggesting is to just use striaght water in a few days when they need water again. And then continue to use only striaght water until the symptoms clear?
Just got home. Checked on the girls and they actually look fine. The bottom fan leaves are still curled but it hasn't spread to any other set of leaves. Only the bottom fan leaves around the base of the smart pot. I'm sure you guys were right about the n toxicity but I fell if that was the case it would have been on more sets of leaves and not just some of the bottom leaves. Again there was no spotting, discoloration or brown burn marks on the edges. So I will keep monitoring it. And continue my watering schedule and reduce the nutes and see what happens.


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