Well-Known Member

if you edit a thread, please take out the posts that are no longer relevant, cause i don's see anyone saying that anywhere, but you, now
that was to Sunni, not youOkay, whatever that means...
what I see as an admin in my reports and inbox you cannot seeif you edit a thread, please take out the posts that are no longer relevant, cause i don's see anyone saying that anywhere, but you, now
what I see as an admin in my reports and inbox you cannot see
Please Do not question how we moderate the website nor tell me to delete my responses they are there for a reason
Thanks IHEARALL I can always count on you to give me some useful info appreciate that!those things you circled are mature calyxes, they arent important to the over bud though... obviously... but yea i think (by the picture) you're in the clear
get 'um lolwhat I see as an admin in my reports and inbox you cannot see
Please Do not question how we moderate the website nor tell me to delete my responses they are there for a reason