help me keep it right


Well-Known Member
Hey all! I hope all is well. I got 21 seeds from Attitude 3 days ago. 5 Blue Hash, 5 Cloud 9, 10 8 mile High seedsand 1 Amnesia Haze. I soaked them all but the Amnesia Haze ( I want to be sure I got it right first) in water for about 16 hours then dropped them into damp ph adjusted grodan starter cubes. 2 days later and every single seed is cracked and popping up. I wanna do everything possible to keep this little babies alive!
Your help and advice is appreciated


Well-Known Member
and today they are 1 inch tall and kinda weak looking. Gonna put them under a CFL for the next few days


Well-Known Member
just dont try to do too much at once. as a new grower i wanted to just 'do something' just back off and let them grow. seedlings are fragile and do not want many changes. dont forget they are just plants like any other plant, they do not require special magic to grow. just ask yourself "would i do this to my tomatoes?"


Well-Known Member
whenever i start seeds i put them in 8hours of sun and 8hours under the light i veg under. they grow quick and i havent seen any signs of light stress. if they look weak try giving them as much natural sun as possible, they grow stronger with sunlight. but all young seedlings look weak. be sure to immitate wind with forced airflow over the plants (just enough so they wiggle a little) this will develop a strong root/stem system.


Well-Known Member
well I have them on (not in ) the aero garden and under CFL lighting. A very slight breeze on them and I'm feeling good about this. Friday I pick up my order at the Hydro store. Canna Coco and complete nute program ............I can't believe how expensive it is but I want to kill the problems I can and let the only problems be from lack of experience.


Well-Known Member
I just did a comparison between MG African Violate, this stuff rocks for walmart level soil. A little stunted to start but soon overtook my happy frog. The comparison ended when they were about even though as my ferret dug the crap out of my happy frog pot. ugh, still stunted.


Well-Known Member
I just did a comparison between MG African Violate, this stuff rocks for walmart level soil. A little stunted to start but soon overtook my happy frog. The comparison ended when they were about even though as my ferret dug the crap out of my happy frog pot. ugh, still stunted.
These are the memories that make me not miss my ferret. lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah, that and no one ever mentioned how much they shit. its like all the time... at least 12 times a day(no joke here)


Well-Known Member
yeah, that and no one ever mentioned how much they shit. its like all the time... at least 12 times a day(no joke here)
let me guess, in a corner on a hard surface? something like next to the toilet- the hardest place to clean in the whole house?

ok and what about the little hideouts that have your soles for your shoes...or the keychain youve been missing?


Well-Known Member
5 of my plants grew and inch or more today! they look strong and green. The others are growing a bit also, just not as vibrant. The grodan cubes still feel moist so a sprinkling of water will be in a day or 2. I am sitting on my hands to keep fron hurting them


Well-Known Member
a pic at day 4 the back row is dinafem blue hash and they were the first to pop 1 of em is struggling to get up though
2nd row is dinafem cloud 9 3rd and 4th row mandalay 8 mile and these seeds are really weak looking compared to the others



Well-Known Member
one thing I can point out to be a fact is that the seeds that sank to the bottom of the shot glass before being planted are the most healthy .
The others are slower to grow and have a harder time shedding the seed case. I will be sure to take note of this with all seeds in the future


Well-Known Member
well I transplanted the little things into 4" pots of canna coco with a touch of superthrive and rhizotonic as their little roots were growing out of the grodan cubes.


Well-Known Member
after transplant they are under cfl for a week then T5's for a month before their date with 1000 watts of love


Well-Known Member
OK 11 days old - recently watered with a little rhizotonic and I am thinking maybe tomorrow putting them under the T-5's
when should I introduce a little nutes to em
cause help was so quick to help I decided on my own to use 25% recommended canna nutes