!!!!!!!!!help me mother fuckers!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
building a wooden box bout 5ft long 3ft wide bout 5ft tall lookin to use bout 8 four foot fluoro. tubes . building intake and exhaust. how many plants should i use im thinkin bout 6 .whats the best way to yield most weight?


Well-Known Member
This 'mofo' says to to put as many as will fit. you will get tiny, usesless buds, so might as well go for quantity, since quality has been tossed out the window.

pack 'em in.


Well-Known Member
English motherfuker, do you speak it?

Say what one more time motherfucker....SAY WHAT ONE MORE TIME!!!

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
buy a 400 w hps light for better yield than fluoro,but then you get heat .

i use 2 250 w hps for a 4by6 floor and 6 ft high and don't have prob with heat at all,and the power bill only went up about 60 a month but you get what you pay for.this includes the clone fluoro light and all fans and humidifier.

you should go with at least 8 or six fill er up nothing to looose lots to gain.ha ha

good luck


Active Member
sure you can successfully grow with them,but hows weight and over all quality?600hps/mh is gonna yield much more with better results