Help me - need to hide plants for a day.

Hey so I have about 20 plants on a flood table and I am going to need to hide them in my attic for a day while inspection of living spaces goes down. The hiding spot is perfect - I am not worried about them being seen or smelled (burn incense and ganja to cover the plant smell) but I am worried about their missing a complete 12 hr cycle. I want them to stretch and be affected by the darkness as little as possible - what can I do? I water everyday and I know a plant can go about one or 2 days being totally dry and in these pots they can last a few days so I may not water the day before hiding them? pretty much any way I look at it I'm going to be hiding them as soon as night cycle hits one night and they will miss one day of light and then they will come out again the next day - all according to plan. In reality they may miss a day and a half or 2 of light... Anyone had this situation? Last time I left some plants in darkness for 3 days they really stretched a lot and it sucked - but that time they were in veg and this time they are in flower.


Active Member
keep them in darkness and if you miss the light than keep them until it comes on again don't let them get any less than 11 hours you can always water by hand if you need to


Damn, I just had the same situation but my plants are in soil..... sounds like you got hydro going. So I don't really know what to do.

Can you get one of those really cheap shop light tubes at home depot/walmart? those would give you enough light to not fuck up the photoperiod....


New Member
I would imagine it's tough to run any kind of wiring or lighting to the attic without it being noticed at inspection. I would say just deal with it, 2 days of darkness will not mess with the operation too badly.


Active Member
Well when i had to move mine i just stuck a single cfl above all 5 of em.. dunno if it helped or not but it made me feel better knowing they might just think its cloudy today ;)

Stretch wasn't noticably different.. week 6 flower
hmmm I amn't sure then I'm pretty confident that using a lower power light than they are used to would only cause problems... say that from experience going from 1000w to 400w cause more stretch - I'm just gonna keep it real dark and try to crank the heater - maybe the cold and dark conditions will cause them to start flowering more aggressively and really produce a lot of resin.

I guess its not really that big of a problem I just need to make sure its smell proof...