help me out take a look

No where near enougth light the coulour of the plants is there perhaps a little light but there is nothing wrong with the plant other than your lights are no where near has powerful has the plant needs.This is why the plant is streching and the nodes are so far apart if you are gonna grow on a limated buget then get some daylight cool spec bulbs for the lights add these on wall mounts and have old fasioned cool tube daylight spec flouresents above the plant has many has possible.I hate to say this but why are you risking growing when the plant will produce nothing sorry m8 get hold of a 250 h.p.s light and a exaust fan get to grips with useing that then move up to a 600 h.p.s.The out lay of money for the light and exaust fan will be got bk a 100000 time's over bcus you will no longer have to deal with shady dealers and always have the bud of yr choice.You can grow the plant looks fine i think the strching like i said is not your fault the lumans are not there get in touch if you need any help with anything.Do not let this diss hearten you,you will get there in the end.But in the mean time if you knoe 100% that the plant is female keep it on a 24/7 or 18/6 lighting scedule so u can clone her when the time comes..................tyke................................................