Help me out!


Active Member
A friend of mine just got his cannabis card and decided to get this purple urkel clone from a club in the area and for the 1st couple weeks the plant was looking pretty healthy. Now just a couple days ago we began noticing the bottom leaves turning a slight yellowish which seems to be spreading throughout the plant. I don't have any pics of it today as the ones attatched are about a week old but if you can notice the yellowish color in the smaller leaves on it that will give you the idea of what the WHOLE plant is looking like now. it gets watered daily or every other day depending on how hot the day is usually with water only but he just recently started feeding it a mix of water and vf-11 (a very light nutrient solution)... i think he has yet to check the ph (what im suspecting is the problem) but I was hoping to get a little more info from some experts. After reading a lot I convinced myself it was lacking iron, thanks any input is appreciated.:joint:

EDIT: heres the pics



Well-Known Member
Iron deficiency is a bit unusual, and usually starts at top of plant. Bottom to top is probably ph/nute lock.



Well-Known Member
mag is magnesium. most often helped with a bit of epsom salts. just search riu for magnesium/epsom salts for right amount. i don't know if it is mag deficiency, could be. plant doesn't look too bad if pictures are latest. be cautious with hitting with too much nutes, may create another set of problems



Active Member
mag is magnesium. most often helped with a bit of epsom salts. just search riu for magnesium/epsom salts for right amount. i don't know if it is mag deficiency, could be. plant doesn't look too bad if pictures are latest. be cautious with hitting with too much nutes, may create another set of problems


thats wat i thought, thx i jus checked the ph it was around 6.5 so im still unsure whats the problem im going to start using water only minus the eleanor's vf-11 I was using... although the ratinings were only 0.15-0.85-0.55 on the vf i used about tablespoon per halfgallon... leaves are feeling kinda crispy as if they arent taking in any of the water.


Active Member
he got rite aid soil suppposibly was pretty balanced and i had read of people using it. I also read about how miracle grow fucks things up so told him to stay away from it


Well-Known Member
don't know anything bout rite aid soil. was noticing the white dots that usually indicate prefert. thing about preferted soils is you see a lot of different experiences, some have great luck, others not so much. my 1st grow got trashed with MGMC, i've gone organic for my second and its a lot better.

you probably do have some lockup of some kind, soil likely have all the nutes you need for a while. the 1 thing i wished i had done with the MGMC crap was mixed in some dolomite, it really helps the lock situation, and is pretty safe. however, not sure how good it is for a dressing.

seen some others that swear by cal-mag. Not sure if it would help, but might be worth a search on.



Well-Known Member

got me curious on the rite aid soil, went looked around a bit,
seems the consensus it is organic, and pretty good quality, hmm
the only thing left in your setup is water as far as i can see, i know your ph was good
wouldn't be hard water by any chance?
i think this has exhausted my depth of knowledge



Active Member

got me curious on the rite aid soil, went looked around a bit,
seems the consensus it is organic, and pretty good quality, hmm
the only thing left in your setup is water as far as i can see, i know your ph was good
wouldn't be hard water by any chance?
i think this has exhausted my depth of knowledge

nope, water comes straight out the 30 pack at safeway


Well-Known Member
30 pack, is that a reverse osmosis machine at front of store?
or just a bottled water?
it's been a couple days, plant doing any better or worse?


Well-Known Member
from the way thing soun it seems like u plant needs a little more nitrogen. try Alaska fish fert, add sum bat guano, and every once in a while piss in a gallon of water and feed generously.



Active Member
bottled water, he fed it plenty of it yesterday and today it isn't looking any better yet, the leaf closest to the soil is completely yellow/tan/dried out hopefully it looks better in the next few days or im just goin to have to piss in some water and hope for the best =/


Well-Known Member
bottled water is a bit of a wild card, ph could be poor, probably isn't too hard though
you might try distilled or deionized - both are cheap - may help(or not)
the soil really seems to have a better rep than your experience - really shouldn't be lack of nutes
nute lock can be a bitch - try as i might i couldn't get my MGMC soil under control


dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I love rite aid soil. Did my plants right for a while. Expensive for a whole grow. Feed at least a 5 N food and check your ph. If you got at least a 5 N then that is the beginning of what I might bet is ph.

BUMP, Just curious. Was it PH? Also when you feed, water a quart a gallon then let it dry off. Should take a week or so. A few days less maybe. Measure that quart.